Chapter 3

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Elena and Kol headed back to the party. When they got there they went and seen Isabella Skylar and Hope talking to Caroline and Klaus,

"Did the two teens tell you what they did at school today" Elena asked.

"What did you two do" Caroline asked.

"Bella came up with a plan to get out of school Hope pulled the fire alarm and Sean started a little fire in the Chemistry Lab" Skylar smirked.

"What did we do to you" Hope asked.

"I was in the middle of my test that i've been studying for for a week now i get to retake it in 3 days from start to finish you couldn't wait till i was done with Algerbra" Skylar sa

"Your in the 8th grade how are you in Algrebra" Isabella said.

"First our buildings got connected after you two blew them up in Middle School and 2nd i'm smarter than you i take advanced classes like summer i do Algerba 2 and when i get to high school i start off on Geormetry your gonna have your little sister in your Calculus class" Skylar said. And walked away.

"Well i see why she's mad at you i helped her study for that test Math was one of the ones i actually understood" Elena said,

"Didn't you major in English" Caroline said.

"Didn't you want to be just an interior decorator" Elena said. She was happy with how her life turned out but she still liked to give caroline an arguement.

"Touche" Caroline said."Now i'm working as a nurse and interior decorator never thought i would do that 18 years ago"

"So how long are we grounded" Hope asked.

"Two weeks" Elena said. She didn't want to give them to long but she knew they deserved to be grounded.

"It could be worse" Hope said.

"Next time you get longer we can't risk exposure" Caroline said. She knew that they were kids but they had to learn."We can't do that Elena Isobel Rebekah Jenna me Haley we all work in the medical field you know what will happen if anyone finds out were vampires "

"She's right we have to be careful if we mess up then things are going to go wrong and thats the last thing that we need" Kol said.

"I know dad" Isabella said,

"You two do know about how many days me and Elena missed at school your smart kids your not dumb we just compelled our faculty to forget" Caroline said. She knew that they didn't tell them everything and it wasn't ok to miss school but with everything that is about to happen it was ok.

"As long as your grades don't get below a C i don't really care" Elena said, That was her biggest thing she didn't care if they missed school as long as the grades didn't drop to low.

"Your serious" Isabella asked. If she would have known this things would have been a lot different.

"No more pranks" Elena asked.

"No more pranks promise" Isabella said. She gave her dad's smirk making Elena shake her head.

"Hope" Caroline said.

"Promise" Hope said,

"Go enjoy the party me and Haley will figure out the punishments later" Elena said.

"Ok" Hope and Isabella disapeared into the crowd.

"Are we to nice" Elena asked.

"Yes y'all are two nice" Klaus said,

"So seriously whats wrong you never disapear" Caroline said.

"She's 15 Caroline what do you think is wrong its not just her in danger its her Skylar Hope Sean Me and Kol its just to much to take in right now i knew it was coming but i'm never going to be prepared" Elena said

"None of us are prepared for this Elena were all scared but were gonna do what we always do get through it together and if someone gets hurt we get them back no matter the consquence" Caroline said.

"Were Mikaelsons" Klaus said.

"We stick together give it our all if ones in danger its everyone's problem" Kol said.

Bonnie walked over "What are you four over here doing"

"Nothing much deciding how to punish your god daughter" Elena said.

"What she do" Bonnie asked.

"She's Kol and Elena's daughter what do you think she did" Caroline said.

"I'll remember that next time you need something from me" Elena said

"What i mean to say is that Elena likes to do crazy shit and Kol spent most of his time daggered but now there better what do you think Issy is capable of" Caroline said.

"Yeah i'm gonna remember that when lily hits teenage years and you don't know what to do" Elena said.

"She got you there she has sucessfully raised two teenage girls with Haley and her two now teenagers" Bonnie said.

"Lets just enjoy the party" Elena said.

"That sounds good to me"  Caroline said


The party was starting to go down Elena had went outside to be left with her thoughts and Caroline and Bonnie sat next to her.

"What's wrong " Bonnie said. She knew Elena better than almost anyone she knew there was something eating away at her."It was what i told you wasn't it"

Elena sighed and said."After everything that happened this is scarying me the most we got our happily ever afters the ones we never thought we were gonna get once the supernatural rolled in. I'm just scared that none of us are going to make it out of this"

"No matter what i said in there i'm scared too there changed people now they'd give up everything for us" Caroline said.

"I am to i'm scared of what the threat is that y'all won't be able to face it" Bonnie said. She put her hand on Elena's stomach."That you two won't make it out alive"

"Your pregnant" Caroline whispered.

"Only person that knows it Kol i don't want everyone to know" Elena said.

"Were gonna get throught this together as a family but if worst comes to worse we block them out and lock them somewhere so we can finish what needs to be done the witches are gonna be needed to seal the spell but everyone is going to be needed" Bonnie said.

"Deal" Elena and Caroline said.

"What will be of the kids if us three disapear" Caroline said.

"There strong i trust Haley and Rebekah to figure something out if something does happen to us" Elena said.


The council of witches on the other side- Ayanna, Quetsiyah, Esther, Shelia, Emily.

"She interpreted the message correctly" Shelia said.

"What message did you tell her" Emily asked.

"Through this fight the witches seal the spell the new found family will help end this darkness but it is up to the three from the begining to truly stop the darkness" Ayanna said.

"Caroline Elena and Bonnie the three" Quetsiyah said.

"Elena will do anything to help her family and Bonnie and Caroline are crazy enough to help her" Esther said.

"Thats what were counting on" Ayanna said.

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