I really was happy to see him, despite the situation. And nervous. So fucking nervous. I was about to act like Merle was my...oh my God... I was dying. I was all shaky and tingly inside. My heart was jackhammering my fucking ribs to death.

"Hey, sweetheart!" Merle exclaimed brightly, offering me his hand.

I took it, slid out of the cab, and let him help me to my feet. He was looking at something behind me as we embraced. I knew he was checking out the man who was following me. I kissed the underside of Merle's scruffy jaw a few times while he watched him, making him snicker. He reached into the cab and paid the driver, sending him on his way.

"He's here, ain't he?" I spoke in a hushed tone, hugging him again as the cab drove off. "He's parkin', huh?"

Merle hugged back, his eyes flashing briefly as he kissed my cheek. "Uhh, huh." He nodded, his features twisted in concentration.

"Wanna give 'im somethin' ta look at?" I suggested, my lips turning up into an ornery smirk.

"Don't mind if I do," he said, his smirk matching my own.

He took me in his arms and gave me a simple smooch on the mouth. It was the first time our lips ever touched. It felt incredible. I was a little taken away by how good it felt. It was just a closed-mouth kiss, but my chest felt like there were fireworks shooting off inside of it.

"Hey, come back here." I gripped the back of Merle's neck when he tried to back away, making him laugh through our next kiss.

I could smell him. He smelled like the forest and personal hygiene products. His natural pheromones were amazing. They had always made my mouth water. I sniffed him again, unnoticeably; maybe a hint of car grease in there. He always smelled earthy, like pine trees and damp dirt. That smell was embedded in every single piece of clothing he had. And cigarettes, but I didn't mind. I smoked on occasion, especially when I was stressed out.

"Yer gonna make my cock hard," Merle complained lightly but slipped me a tiny bit of tongue anyway. I felt my knees weaken as our tongues brushed together. He tasted like whiskey and cigarettes, and something else that was all Merle. He was delicious. I couldn't help wanting more. I had always dreamed of making out with him ever since I was old enough to think about kissing.

"Phew," I sighed out as our mouths broke apart. "That was so..." I giggled. "I reckon ya could call it taboo, huh? Daddy would be havin' a cow right now if he saw ya kiss me like that."

"Yeah, I think I'm likin' that a lil too much," he admitted, smirking and rubbing the back of his neck. "C'mon." He took my hand and led me inside. I could tell he was listening to our surroundings as we turned our backs on my follower.

"What's he doin'?" I whispered.

"Just sittin' in 'is car starin'," Merle responded quietly, but his eyes were on fire. "I don't like it. It's creepy. We'll see if he gets out and comes inside. You were smart ta handle it like this. I would have told ya ta do exactly what yer doin' if ya had asked fer my opinion instead."

"Yer good at readin' folks. That's why I picked ya fer the job," I revealed, giving his hand a squeeze. "Plus I know I'm safe here in this place with you."

"Smart thinkin'." Merle led me to a booth in the back after we went in the door. "You sit with me. We're s'pposed ta be lovers. Gotta act the part."

I slid in first with a nod, watching as he settled himself next to me. He draped his arm around my shoulders, talking so only I could hear him.

"Don't even look at 'im if he comes inside. I'll do the lookin'. You just act like yer madly in love with me or whatever."

"Yes, sir." I rested my head on his shoulder, gazing up at him like he was the most fascinating human being on the planet.

Taboo (Merle Dixon x OFC)Where stories live. Discover now