Get Out The Tube

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"Kumbayaaahhh my lord, kumbayahh, ku-" I started singing to deescalate the situation.

"Yo voice make me wanna' up this bitch on you." I was cut off by the gun man, he made a stank face too.

How rude.

"If yo dumb ass shoot in here on god you deserve to go to jail, the playground right THERE nigga." One of the blue bandits told his comrade, gesturing to the mcplay place full of children.

He wasn't wrong, I don't know how I didn't see it though. So y'all know me, attention span of a goldfish, I went to the playground and eavesdropped while I played.

Fuck what they got goin' on, but not for real though.

"Is there something wrong with he-"

"Yes." Both Mint and Domo answered.

"...... Why is she with y'all?" One of the crip walkers asked.

"Damn...... Ion' even know anymore." Mint rubbed the back of his head and looked away.

Nigga yes you do, I was kidnapped, I am a hostage.

A very free hostage but still 😤.

"That red'll getchu' dead. I can tell y'all ain't from here, so why you here." The quietest blue ranger said, getting down to business.

"We ain't trying to fuck with y'all crab ass, we came here on a vacation. And she uhh, yea that's his girl." Domo spoke and tapped mint on the shoulder.

Mints mouth dropped open and he whipped his head to Domo, "Bitch ass nigga why can't she be yo' girl."

The boys in blue all looked at each other.

"That's yo bitch, don't fake on my sis like that." Domo told him.

Mint started shaking his head.

"I swea' to GOD that's not my bitch, ion' know who bitch she is but she not Peter Eugene Jackson the seconds." Mint swore.

"Ma'am I'm gonna' need you to get out of the play area." A manager suddenly popped his head into the tunnel I was in.

".... Why?" I questioned.

"You pushed down several children, we've had several complaints. Please step out of the tube."

Well when he put it like that, I can see where he coming from so I'll comply.

This time.

I made my way back to the boys. Y'all know I'm childish so the first thing that came out of my mouth was:

"Yo name Peter? 💀" I couldn't help my self.

"Peter Eugene." Domo messy ass says through a cough, making the gross brothers snicker.

Mint kissed his teeth.

"And I wouldn't fuck either of y'all with a cement condom, I'm nobodies bitch but my own." I stated.

"Period." A Santana look alike said as...... she? Or he? Nah, as SHE walked by. It's the all leather outfit for me, giving very much cat woman and I love it.

(I fw my whole lqbtq+ community but i personally do this in my mind,  just because I never know which pronoun THEY would be comfortable to go by or be referred to as. It's all love 💜 and jokes.)

"So why she with y'all then." The same observant boy said, nodding towards me.

"Why you asking so many questions?" Domo inquired.

"Cause we the ones with the guns."

"He right, he right." I muttered, "but what's y'all's names. Cause what my mind is doing now isn't working for the readers."

"What?" They all said.

"Just go wit' it." Mint interjected.

"I'm Quan'dre, that's Mookey uglass, Shoota, and this Abi."

"Why I gotta' be ugly?" Mookey asked.

"Cause you ugly." Literally everyone said.

Mookey kissed his lips, crossed his arms and sat back in the booth.

He be aight, put some water on it.

"I'm still just Blue, That's Domo, and Mint. My fault I meant my nigga Peter." I snickered.

"Don't be giving my name to these crab ass niggas." Domo said with a mug.

"These crab ass niggas still got the guns." Shoota lifted his shirt a bit as he spoke.

"My nigga..... ask me do we give a fuck." Domo shot back.

Let me just scoot away from this nigga 'cause who is we? I give quite a few fucks.

Not finna' speak for me like that.

"I respect that, nigga don't got no fear. But niggas on vacation don't eat McDonald's, y'all running from somethin'." Abi observantly said.

Oh this nigga good.

"We gone be checking up on y'all, since this our city we technically talk hosts. You can make friends or you can make enemies." Abi spoke cryptically, looking directly at Mint and Domo, as all the boys got up to leave.

"But I'm trynna' be yo' friend." He made eye contact with me and licked his lips, his bottom row of golds glistening.

Lord..... If you want me to get pregnant that's all you gotta say.

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