Ch 14 - Hurt

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While B.I rest from working on his song, his head came with a lot of thoughts.

'What did I saw earlier?'

'She don't love me anymore or what?'

'Ahhh she hate me now.'

'She can date whoever she want.'

'But.. I love her.'

'If I love her why did I avoided her like I hate her?'

'Oh God! This is so wrong. But..'

'I guess she's happy with Junhoe now. I just saw them kissing.'

'He kissing Nara.'


'What just I did?'

'This is so frustrating!'

B.I closed his eyes and relaxing his head. Suddenly his hot tears rolling on his cheeks.

'I lost who I used to love so much.'

B.I hit his chest, can't hold his pain inside. He's crying his soul out.

He really want Nara back and he know how much it's hurt him. Now he know how hurt Nara is when he ignore her.

"Maybe when she's being with Junhoe, she will be happier than with me. I'm such a dork. I just know how to hurt her." B.I murmured to himself.

"Who said you just know how to hurt her?" G-Dragon smirked and came in.

"Ahh sunbaenim! What are you doing here?" B.I shocked and wiped his tears.

"I just walked here then suddenly I heard a husky voice in frustrating screamed." GD chuckled.

B.I just keep his eyes at the keyboard while his hand playing with the computer's mouse.

"I know you really love her since years right? Why did you gave up on her?" GD asked him.

"I don't know but.." B.I shut himself and sobbing quietly.

"If you don't know, than that's your fault." GD tapped on his shoulder and went away.

'I'm so stupid. I'll never can get her back. She hate me.' B.I thought by himself.


At Chanwoo's house.

Junhoe lay his head on Nara's laps while watching a k-drama with Nara. Actually Junhoe don't really like watching dramas.

But Junhoe won't disappointed her. So he just watching with her.

Chanwoo sat in front me on the floor. Enjoying the drama with Nara.

"Yahh why that guy's so mad?" Chanwoo asked but Nara just, "Shuuush!"

"Good answer." Junhoe chuckled and pushed Chanwoo's head. Chanwoo just chuckled.

"Uh babe you wearing piercing that I gave you." Junhoe touching Nara's ear.

"Yeah since it's pretty like hell I told you." She rolled her eyes.

Junhoe just chuckled. "Yahh Chanuu-ya."

"Nae hyung." He keep watching the drama.

"Let's go together to the practice room, tomorrow." Junhoe said while stroking Chanwoo's hair.

"Why? You always go with Nara." Chanwoo curious.

"Tomorrow I've got class after lunch." Nara said.

"Yeah and we got early in the morning." Junhoe explained.

"Arasseo hyung." Chanwoo said and continue watching the drama.


At the Studio.

"Yah Chanwoo-ya. What should I get her?" Junhoe asked while they walking to their practice room.

"How about a hoodie? She always said that she want that light grey one." Chanwoo said.

"What kind of brand is that?"

"Supreme. She saw that hoodie at Myeongdong after watching cinema with me last week." Chanwoo said.

"Yahhh why she didn't invite me?" Junhoe frowned.

"Cause.. you're not invited?" Junhoe smacked his head and Chanwoo just laughing.

Then they straight to their practice room.

Suddenly there's B.I standing at the stairs, feeling like his heart rip into pieces when he heard both of then talked about Nara.

'How can they not even tell me that Junhoe dating Nara right now? So what I just saw past day is true that they're dating each other.' B.I thought to himself.

B.I just ignore them and went into the practice room.

"Yahh Hanbin-ah why are you so late? Let's go eat now." Jinhwan asked and put his arm on B.I's shoulders.

"Junhoe." When B.I called Junhoe's name, Jinhwan slowly put down his arm and the other members look at him.

"Uh yes?" Junhoe suddenly nervous inside.

"Why did you guys hide this from me?" B.I asked, frowning.

"Uh what are you talking a-about?" Bobby laughed awkwardly.

"Don't act like you guys don't understand what I mean." B.I hissed.

"It's not like-"

"Nara don't want you to know." Chanwoo cut Yunhyeong's word.

"Yahh Chanwoo.."

Before Donghyuk could say anything, B.I shot him a glare.

"Let's just tell him already and we will tell Nara later." Jinhwan suggested.

"Just tell me and don't tell her that I know." B.I said.

Then Junhoe and the rest of them told him the truth. Junhoe too nervous to explain and end up with Chanwoo telling B.I the whole things.

But suddenly,

B.I grabbed Junhoe's collar and Bobby trying to release him but, "Don't be stupid like me. Please take care of her." B.I said calmly.

Junhoe's face suddenly soften. "I will. Of course I will, hyung." Junhoe said with confident.

B.I released his collar and went away.


//Finally they're telling Hanbin! So do vote and drop your comments guys.

Sorry for errors xo

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