Switch up || Spralmer & Javid (canon era)

Start from the beginning


Jack woke up to a lot of noise coming from his newsies. The sun wasn't up yet, which ment it was still early.
"I'm so excited." He could hear JoJo whisper yell. He walked out of his room and looked at the total chaos in the lodging.
"Morning, Jack." Finch gave a small smile to their leader before walking back into their dorm room. Jack looked confused, only now noticing that he hadn't slept in said dorm room. He turned around and read the sign above the door.
'Kloppman's office.' The old man had died a year ago, but told Jack not to inform the authorities when he died. Kloppman had cared for these kids and didn't want for any of them to get hurt or send back to the refuge. Now Jack used it when he needed somewhere to think and the rooftop was too cold.
"Jack, I need a few extra blankets." Race's voice got him back out of his thoughts.
"Brooklyn has enough blankets, don't they?" Jack questioned confused as he didn't know why they needed more blankets for.
"No, I need them like now. Elmer's sick, but wants to go an-"
"Shit." Jack cursed and nearly ran towards the dorms. Race was right behind him, but didn't say a thing. It was a bad thing when someone was sick. In the way they lived, even a simple low fever could kill the strongest boy. When he opened the door, he could already see Albert sitting at Elmer's side. The Polish boy was sweating and tossing and turning. It was obvious that he was still asleep, but had a nightmare, which wasn't rare for him, since he had been kicked out of the house very recently after his parents had found out about his relationship with the boys. Race sat down next to Albert and held on to both boys' hands.
"Hey, Jack." Albert greeted when he saw the brown haired boy.
"How is he doing?" Jack asked while sitting down on the bed opposite.
"The same as yesterday, not worse, but definitely not better." Race answered.
"I'm fine." A grumbling voice came from the beds. The dark haired boy was laying with his eyes halve open and tears prickling in his eyes.
"Why don't you stay here with me and Davey to help with the Brooklyn kids, yeah?" Jack suggested, but he knew that wasn't going to work. Elmer was one of the sweetest boys he had ever met, but once he had set his mind on something, nothing could stop him from doing it. Not even his own well being.
"I'm fine. I just need to-" he tried to sit up, but had to be helped by Race and Albert in the end.
"We can go another week to Brooklyn. After this whole exchange. Just the three of us. We'll stay with Spot and he'll surely let us sell papes in Brooklyn for those few days." Albert suggested. But Elmer just shook his head. He slung his legs out of the bed and stood up, grabbing the bunk for support and it was only a matter of seconds before Race and Albert were on either side to support their boyfriend. Jack stood up and threw a blanket over the small boy's shoulder.
"I'm not going to stop you, hell knows I can't even if I wanted, but you need to stay in the Brooklyn lodging until you get better." Jack looked at him with his best 'mother' look.
"Believe me, he will."  Another voice joined them. They all looked at the doorway to see Spot standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest, making his biceps look even bigger.
"Spot!" Elmer smiled at his third boyfriend and walked over to him without support, but once he got there he fell against the boy, so Spot had to support most of his body weight. Spot kissed the boy on the cheek before taking him with him towards the entrance. Albert followed, but Race was stopped.
"If anything happens, you're my second, which means you have to deal with it and you have to take care of any situation. I believe in you." Jack told the younger boy. The blond looked up to him and gave a small smile.
"You know me, Jack. I can do this. And besides, I have Spottie with me." Jack watched Race leave before finally going after the boy himself. Davey was standing out side the room smiling.
"You're a good leader, you know." He smiled at Jack. Jack kissed him and took his hand. They walked down to now meet the Brooklyn boys that had come with Spot. There were a total of 19 newsies dressed in red. There were: Skittery, Hot Shot, York, Dutchy, Bumlets, Itey, Pie-eater, Ten-Pin, Snitch, Boots, Tumbler and a few others from which he didn't know the name. He watched as his newsies grouped at the other side of the hallway. Jack and Davey stayed at the top of the stairs, looking down at everyone. Jack made eye contact with Crutchie, who was looking really exited. He then looked at Romeo and Specs, who were holding hands, both obviously nervous. Finch, Mike, Ike, Sniper and JoJo were talking happily. Kid Blink and Mush were making out in the back, so Jack looked away rather quickly. Henry and Buttons were talking among themselves, neither seemed really happy about the exchange, but they didn't seem to really bother. Then there were Albert, Race and Elmer, who were standing at Spot's side in the middle.
"I'm so glad we left Les out of this."  Davey murmured and Jack nodded in agreement. He then locked eyes with Spot and gave him the signal to take the Manhattan boys with him. The four of them went in front, Elmer being held up between Spot and Albert. The rest of the group followed loosely behind them. The only pro for them being as poor as they were was that they didn't have much to take with them, so only a few things were stuffed inside their pockets.
"Alright, boys." Jack spoke to the Brooklyn boys from his place on the top of the stairs.
"Pick a bed and lay down some stuff in it to mark it as your own." He had also done that a moment before. The group of boys sprinted up, nearly pulling the others down.

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