Sleep deprived || Spralmer

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Everything was blurry. Elmer's eyes hurt from being open so long, but he had to keep going. He was standing on the stage of their school's auditorium doing another rehearsal. He had one of the lead parts in west side story.  He was going to play Riff. 

"That's it! Well done!" Miss Medda exclaimed. Miss Medda was their drama teacher and the most beloved teacher in the whole school. Elmer smiled slightly at her before walking off stage. It was the last class of the day, which was fortunate for Elmer. He had noticed the concerned look of his boyfriends. 
"Hey, Elmer, wait up!" He heard Albert call from behind. He tried to ignore it, but a hand soon landed on his shoulder. 
"What do you want?" Elmer didn't want to sound mean, but h was just tired. He didn't need a boyfriend worrying over him. He had homework... Lots of homework and he knew his boyfriends. If they knew that something was wrong, then he wouldn't hear the end of it until he finally slept. 
"You just seemed a little of. You have bags under your eyes and we all saw how you almost fell down after the huge dance part. It's a hard part, but you normally do it with such ease."
"It's fine. Gotta go. Homework won't make itself." Elmer was quick to excuse himself as he stumbled of to his locker and grabbed the things he needed. 


[19:00 pm] Red head made a group chat with Brooklyn boy and Horse track

[19:00 pm] Brooklyn boy: why do we have a chat without Elms?

[19:00 pm] Red head: cause thats what we need to talk about

[19:00 pm] Horse track: wait a minute why is my name Horse track???????

[19:00 pm] Red head: cause you always bet on horses...

[19:00 pm] Horse track: makes sense

[19:01 pm] Brooklyn boy: we needed to talk about Elmer?????

[19:01 pm] Red head: yes... have you guys noted how tired he is all the time???? he almost collapsed during the dance today and I think he lost some weight too...

[19:01 pm] Brooklyn boy: he told me he was fine and I believed him, but you're right... something is definitely off.

[19:01 pm] Horse track: what do you want to do about it??? it's like he said: he has homework to do

[19:01 pm] Red head: tomorrow is Friday. we should stay tomorrow night at my place. my parents are out of town. we'll make him sleep and eat

[19:02 pm] Brooklyn boy: and what if he doesn't want to come????

[19:02 pm] Red head: We'll make him


The alarm next to Elmer's bed went off, but Elmer wasn't in his bed. He stood up from his place at his desk and walked over to turn the stupid thing off. He hadn't slept that night, again, thanks to all the homework he had to do and the test he had that day. Physics wasn't his favorite subject at all and Mr. Weisel was their teacher, which ment instant death if he failed the test. His phone buzzed.

Red head: tonight at my place. my parents are away this weekend

Polish Elsa: can't I have two tests next week

Elmer put away his phone and changed clothes. He didn't bother eating breakfast and waved his family goodbye as soon as he had grabbed his homework and backpack. 


Elmer was pretty sure he aced the test from Mr. Weisel, but you can never be certain with that man. They were back in rehearsals again. It was always the last class they had and it was also the only class the four of them shared. It basically consisted of all his friends and a few others. 

They were practicing the dance at the gym again. Since they only have three girls in their group, Elmer had to dance with Race. Which wasn't really a problem for him, because he loved dancing with his boyfriend, but tat day was not a good day to do that part of the musical. It was exhausting even if you had gotten a good nights rest. They were half way through the song when it felt like the world was turning faster than it should. 
"El? Are you o-" Elmer didn't hear the rest of what Race was asking him. The sound of the world around him seemed to fade away as he fell forward into Race's chest. He wasn't unconscious, but he couldn't hear anything and he didn't have a clear vision. All he could see were different colors moving around each other. He was leaning against Race's chest. The fabric of his shirt was really soft and it almost made him fall asleep. He didn't though because he forced himself to get a clear vision again and the sound of the world came back with it. 
"Does someone have a box of juice?" 
"Here, take mine." Elmer could make out Spot's and Jack's voices. 
"Give him some space." Miss Medda ordered. And most of the group retreated behind the stage.
"Drink." Albert pushed the straw practically down his throat. 
"Feeling better?" Elmer nodded in response.
"I should probably head home. I don't think I'm going to dance today." Elmer stood up and swayed the first steps before going in a straight line. 
"No, you're not. We already asked your parents. You're staying with us tonight." Albert blocked the path to the door. 
"No, guys. I love you, I really do, but I have homework." 
"You can do homework AFTER you've slept and eaten like a normal person." Race and Spot now stood at both sides of Elmer with their arms linked. Albert stepped away and led the way to the car.
"It feels like I'm being dragged towards my execution." Elmer chuckled. He looked at his right and saw Race with a small grin on his face. 
"You wish." Spot joked.

The car ride was short and silent. They didn't complain though, it was comfortable. Race was typing on his phone the whole time and it made Elmer wonder what he was doing. They got out of the car and headed into Albert's house. 
"I ordered Thai. Should be here in ten minutes." Race told the boys, which gave Elmer the answer to his question. Elmer was escorted to the couch and was sandwiched in between Race and Spot while Albert got plates, cutlery and more juice. 
"Not to be a buzz killer, but I'm gonna do homework as long as the food isn't here yet." Elmer said while trying to get away from his place in the sandwich.
"O hell no, you aren't." Spot pulled Elmer back down. The poor boy was now laying like a starfish on top of spot with his head on his chest. 
"C'mon Spot. I need to do some of it if I want to make it through the year."
"I agree with Spot. You'll make it through the year anyway." Race wrapped his arms around Spot and Elmer to keep them both in place. 
"Can I at least go to the toilet?" 
"Alright..." Spot and Race let go of him and he slowly walked over bathroom. He quickly grabbed his bag on the way hoping that his boyfriends wouldn't see.
"And where do you think you're going?" Albert made him stop in his tracks.
"The toilet?" it came out more like a question than a statement.
"Not with that." Albert stretched his arm out and Elmer handed him his bag pack defeated. 

"YOU LIED!" Race exclaimed as soon as Elmer walked back into the room after actually going to the bathroom. "I was going to let you pick the movie, but now I won't. It's going to be Prinses Diary night." Elmer sighed. He should have seen it coming that Albert would tell them. The table was now full with Thai food.

It had taken them half an hour to eat all of the food. Elmer hadn't noticed how hungry he actually was and how tired. He sank into Albert's side and laid his legs over Spot's and his feet on Race's legs. It took only a few minutes before the boy was asleep and not soon after Spot and Albert followed. Race made sure to take a picture before turning off the movie and drifting off to sleep himself, now knowing all of his boys were taken care off.

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