It's just the flu || Almer

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Elmer laid on the couch curled up in a tiny ball. He was shivering, but hot at the same time. A green blanket was thrown on the ground next to him and one of the pillows had miraculously ended up at the other side of the room. He had an already cold cup of soup standing on the coffee table, but didn't touch it. Tissues were laying everywhere and even on top of his head. 

Albert opened the door to their home. He had worked a whole day while Elmer had his day off. He didn't mind though, because coming home to him mostly meant home made meals and a nice bubble bath. Though that's not what he got. He got a little ball with fluffy hair on their couch and a whole lot of tissues. 
"Hey, El. I'm home." He said softly as he made his way to the little ball. "Are you okay?"
"I think I'm dying, Al." The little ball responded with a raspy throat. Albert knelt down next to the couch and placed the back of his hand on Elmer's fore head.
"It's just the flu, baby."
"I'm DYING!" Elmer exclaimed. He uncurled a bit to take a look at the lightly amused face in front of him. 
"You, Elmer Kasprzak, are a drama queen."  Albert leaned down and kissed Elmer on his head. He grabbed the blanket off the ground and wrapped it around Elmer. "You are going to be fine."
"It's going to kill me if I don't get another tissue." Albert rolled his eyes and grabbed the half empty box of tissues from the coffee table. 
"I'll make you some tea." He stood up and walked off to their kitchen.
"With honey?"
"Yes, I will be there."
"I hate you."
"No, you don't." Albert taunted with a smile even though he knew Elmer couldn't see it. He came back in with a cup of hot tea and biscuits, knowing his boyfriend wouldn't have eaten anything. He placed them on the coffee table so he could help Elmer sit up. Elmer put his whole weight on him and rested his head on Albert's shoulder. 
"I blame you if I'm sick in two weeks." Albert looked at the boy next to him. His eyes were glassy and his nose red. "You look like you're high on something." He joked. Elmer looked up and he could still see a bit of wickedness in his eyes. 
"It's not my fault you want to sit with me."
"I still blame you, you Polish burrito."
"What? You do look like a burrito with that blanket wrapped around you. Though I might want to throw you in the thrash with that mold color all over you." He laughed.
"Don't you dare. If you throw me away, I'll take you with me." 
"Let's try." Albert jumped up and scooped Elmer up from the couch. He walked over to the kitchen while Elmer struggled as if he was angry, but a soft chuckle betrayed him. Albert almost dropped him a few times but made his way safely back to the couch. He placed the tired looking Elmer next to him and handed him his tea. 
"What do you want to watch?" Albert asked while grabbing the remote control. 
"Are you seriously letting me pick?" Elmer asked confused. "You told me that I wasn't allowed to pick something after last time."
"That's because you picked Princess Diaries and you know how much I hate that movie. The only good thing about that franchise is Stan Lee's cameo." Albert waved his hands dramatically, almost hitting Elmer. 
"Yeah, but that was because you were being a prick."
"I am NEVER a prick." Albert looked indignant at him. 
"No, you only kept talking while I was on the phone with my mother and you told her how 'wonderful' I am and such."
"Am I not allowed to brag about my cute boyfriend at his mom?" 
"No, not when it's my mom." Elmer hit Albert's chest playfully, but his hand stayed there since he had no energie to move it.
"So, what are we watching tonight?" Albert changed the subject back, noticing how tired his sick boyfriend actually was.
"Brooklyn 99. I've already seen everything, so it's not a big problem if I fall asleep." Elmer now rested his head on Albert's lap and swung his feet on the couch. Albert turned on the pilot episode, he hadn't seen any of it yet, and rested his hands in his boyfriend's dark curls. Elmer was almost immediately asleep at the feeling of Albert's fingers slowly, but carefully moving up and down his scalp. 

Three hours of mindless tv watching had passed and Albert wanted to go to bed, but the sleeping figure on him kept him from standing up. He turned off the tv and placed one of his hand under Elmer's head. He lifted it up just enough so he could slip out from under his body. A groaning sound come from said body and his eyes cracked open.
"Sssh, it's okay. I'm taking you to bed." Elmer closed his eyes again and held out his arms. Albert chuckled at the sight, but picked the far to light boy up and carried him all the way to their room. He placed the hot, in two ways, boy on the bed and walked off towards the bathroom. He stripped down everything except his boxers, brushed his teeth and took a wet cloth before heading back in their room. 
"'m cold." Elmer mumbled.
"I know." Albert answered while pulling the covers further over him. He sat down next to him and dipped the cloth on the in sweat soaking forehead in attempt to get it a little less sweaty. Elmer smiled a little at te touch before going back into a blissful sleep. Albert smiled at himself before walking around the bed and crawling under the covers himself. He pushed himself against Elmer's back and wrapped his arms around the shorter boy's waist.
"Tell my mom I love her if I die." Elmer's soft voice sounded from under the covers. He was sleep talking again.
"You're such a drama queen." Albert sighed, but smiled. He drifted off into sleep not long after.

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