With time || Spralmer

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First of all: sorry for not publishing any stories lately. I've been busy with work, school, my parents' divorce, etc. (you know the stuff) I'll try to update a little more often, but there is a high chance that I publish a just once a month or maybe a little more. So sorry, but it is what it is.

Alright I need help. I have three birds, Vanya, Pippin and Race.  But there is another male partner for Race needed and I need a new name. So I ask of you: what is the name I should give him? (It's a lineolated parakeet (I believe the name is) and he will probably be green)<- I would like a name from a fandom, but since I've already got Umbrella Academy, Lord of the Rings, Newsies and Marvel, I would like another fandom. (my yellow one called Skye died suddenly, which led to me adopting Vanya and Race)

Alright now to the story.

~ F

Ps. I wrote this in the night so sorry if there are even more grammar/spelling errors than normal.

Roses in all colors were lying on the coffin that was placed six feet under the ground. All of the Manhattan newsboys had brought one. They all stood surrounding the large hole in the ground. Tears rolling down their cheeks. All of the leaders from New York were pressent to pay their respects. In the background there was a song playing. 'In case you don't live forever' by Ben Platt, his favorite song. Jack was the first to step forward and throw some mud over the coffin. There was no wind, no rain, no cold. It felt really wrong that it was a sunny summer day. The mud made a soft thud as it landed after only a tenth of a second. The Manhattan then shook a shaky nod to the boys he loved so much. He loved each one of them in their own way. From Albert to Specs. He hated to see their tired and sad faces, but he hated more that he was missing one of them. The one that was laying under the ground. It was Race who, as second in command, threw some more mud over the, in wood cased, body. As soon as the mud hit the box and roses, he walked over to Spot who took him in a firm embrase. He hugged back as if his life deppended on it, but didn't cry. He hadn't cried at all that day.

Race tought back to that day that seemed to have been a month ago, yet it had only been yesterday. He was sitting in a chair in the Kelly-Jacobs appartment, not five minutes away from his own, where Spot, Albert and Elmer were waiting for him to come back. He looked at Jack who was finally asleep on the couch. It had taken Race much effort to get him to lay down, let alone to keep the alcohol away. Davey had gone to work, since one of them had to so they could pay their bills. Jack had been broken. So had Race, but the blond didn't had the time to mourn yet. Sure his brother, by choice instead of blood, had died, but when everyone around you starts spiraling out of control, you don't really have a choice.
"Race? Are you okay?" Race got pulled out of his thoughts by a hand touching his knee and a soft voice. He looked up from where he was looking at the brown haired and met Davey's eyes.
"Just tired, that's all." Was the quick response that followed. Davey looked him in the eyes, unsure if to state the obvious or just let the boy be. He chose the latter.
"How has he been doing?" Davey chose to change the subject. He looked back at his husband. Not a month ago they had been on their honeymoon, but they flew back as soon as they had gotten Race's call.

"He's dying."

"The stupid head has been trying to get drunk all day." Race answered while rubbing his temples. "I managed to lock all of your liquer away, but he kept on asking for it. So I told him I would get him something. Just one spoon for the taste. I may or may not have lied to him and he may or may not be sleeping because of a sleeping draft." Race chuckled emotionless before stiffeling a yawn.
"Thank you, Race. I don't know what I would've done without you. Now, go home. You deserve some time with your boyfriends." Davey helped Race up before walking away to take of his coat. Race walked to the couch, crouching down in front of it and placing a soft kiss in Jack's hair.
"It'll be alright. Someday." He whispered to the unconscious form. Eventhough Jack was older than him, he still felt the need to protect him at that moment. He felt that with all of his brothers and in those days especially.
"Take care." Davey looked Race in the eyes with a look that said: go home and get some sleep.
"You too." Was the only response Race gave before he left the apartment.

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