He's back || Spralmer

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Three guesses who's back?? (It's not me since I never left.) Small hint: It's a part 2. Trigger warnings are the same as the other one-shot.

~ F

"No- please, don't." Race looked up at his boyfriend who was on curled up in a tight ball at the edge of the bed. It had been two weeks since the incident and Elmer still refused to sleep in their own bed or sleep alone. He was eating less and less and there were nightmares almost every night during the first week, but he was beginning to get better. He was eating almost every meal, there were almost no nightmares, but he hadn't talked about what happened to Spot and Albert. Both of his other boyfriends were worried.
"Proszę, nie chcę. Przestań. Idź stąd." (Please, I don't want to. Stop it. Go away.) Race's eyes widened when Elmer switched to Polish. The moments he spoke Polish were the worst. Race softly laid his hand on top of Elmer's shoulder and began massaging.
"It's just a nightmare, El. Wake up. You're save." Elmer began to wake up. Soft sobs left his mouth.
"W porządku. Kocham Cię." (It's alright. I love you.) Race spoke softly as Elmer buried his head in Race's chest. The few words Race spoke were the ones he had learned from Elmer and his siblings. He wanted to make Elmer as comfortable as possible, so his own language was one of the ways to comfort him the best.
"Przepraszam, że cię obudziłem. Nie chciałem tego robić. Proszę wybacz mi. Przykro mi." (I'm sorry I woke you. I didn't mean to do it. Please forgive me. I'm sorry.)
"Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for." Race didn't understand everything that Elmer had said, but he knew he was apologizing for nothing. "How about breakfast?" Elmer nodded, but made no move to get up. Race kissed the top of Elmer's head before standing up and heading to the kitchen.
"Hey." Albert softly greeted Race.
"How's El?" Spot turned around and gave Race a quick kiss.
"He had another nightmare. He switched to Polish, so he probably will be a little off today. We should maybe call him in sick for the day."
"No. I want to work." Elmer stood in the doorway. He looked so small, but was trying to smile at the same time.
"It's your choice." Albert walked over to the table with two plates full of pancakes and Spot took the other two.
"But if there's something, you call us." Spot made clear and Elmer nodded.
"I will. I promise."


Elmer's work day went by rather slowly. The hospital was quite quiet, for as far it can be. He spend most of his time talking with some of the kids that were there or talking with his colleagues/friends about some of the patients that had come in during the night.
"Elmer, your shift is over." Henry's head came around the corner. Elmer was talking to one of the little kids.
"Thanks. See you tomorrow, Amelia." Elmer stood up and waved goodbye to the little girl.
"How was your day?" Henry began to make small talk.
"Same old. Yours?" Henry sighed.
"An older woman died today. She was alone. She had no family left and her friends are all in nursing homes."
"Were you there when she passed?" Henry nodded.
"I hate seeing people die. It's the worst part of the job."
"Well think of it this way: for every person that dies, two or more get to live." Elmer gave a reassuring smile.
"Yeah, you're right." They switched clothes as fast as they could before heading out.
"So how is Smalls?"
"Busy. He has the last rehearsals this week and they open next week. Are you and the boys coming?"
"Of course!" They waved goodbye after that.

Elmer was walking home when a car stopped. He didn't care about it at first, but looked up when he heard his name.
"Hey, Elmer!" The face he had hoped never to see again popped out of the window.
"Leave me alone!" Elmer yelled at him before speed walking away. By the time he got to the nearest crossing, the same car was waiting for him. Only this time the man was standing outside the car.
"Go away, Elijah!" Elmer tried to walk the other way, but Elijah grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
"But we had so much fun last time." Elmer froze on the spot. "How about we continue what we started?" Elmer wanted to run, but he fell limp as soon as something stung in his neck. Elijah dragged him over to the car and put him in the backseat. Elmer tried to move, but his whole body had gone limp. He could only breath, listen and see.
"A buddy of mine gave me it." Elijah began explaining. "I don't really know what it is exactly, but it should keep you down for about an hour." The rest of the car ride was silent.

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