Crashing || multi ships

453 14 11

There are some ships in here, but they aren't main attention.

~ F

"991, what's your emergency?"
T- the car crashed... into a tree... They aren't moving! Please help us!"
"Do you know where you are?"
"N- no. It is dark."
"Don't worry. I'll track your phone. Can you describe your situation?"
"T- two in front. I can't reach them. I have my boyfriend in the back. I- I think he's waking."
"Can you try waking him for me?"
"Ey, Myers, you with me?"
"Blink, baby, how many times do I have to tell you to call me by my first name." Mush whispered.
"Sorry." Blink blushed a little. "Stay awake for me." It came out more like a question.
"Are the others waking up?"
"The ambulances are with you in a minute. Don't move. It might worsen your situation." There was the sound of sirens coming towards them. Bright light filled their eyes not long after. The door flung open and Blink felt hands pull him out of the car carefully.
"I need you to stay awake for me." The woman said as he was laid on a stretcher.
"I'm fine." Blink muttered and lifted his head to see his boyfriend being lifted out of the car and placed on another stretcher.


It was 3:00 am when the phone rang. Jack wanted to ignore it, but Davey was quick up to answer.
"This is Davey Jacobs speaking."
"Why are they calling?" Jack asked before the person on the other side could say anything.
"I'm calling for Nick, Louis, Michael and Isaac. They have been in an accident and are in the lower Manhattan hospital. You and mister Kelly are in their emergency contacts. Do you know any parents I could call?"
"No, they don't have parents. We'll be there right away." Davey said before hanging up.
"Who was that?" Jack said now fully awake. "What happened?"
"Mush, Blink, Mike and Ike were in a car accident. We need to go now." Davey hurriedly grabbed the keys from the table.
"Dave." Jack made him stop in his tracks. "You might want to consider putting on some clothes." Davey turned around sheepishly and put on the clothes he had left in the corner of the room.

The drive to the hospital took long and it was making Jack and Davey more anxious than ever in their life. Jack was calling their friends to get them to the hospital.

"Alright see you then. Drive safe Race, we can't afford to have you four in here too." Jack hung up the phone as soon as they entered the hospital's parking lot. They ran inside as soon as the car came to a stop.
"We're here for Nick, Louis, Michael and Isaac." Davey informed the receptionist.
"They are on floor two. There will be a doctor waiting for you." Davey thanked her and they speed walked to the elevator.
They were greeted by an older doctor once they arrived on the second floor.
"David Jacobs and Jack Kelly, I presume."
"Yes, I'm David."
"I'm Josie Waldorf."
"How are they?" Jack asked before the doctor could continue.
"Louis, or Kid Blink, has a broken arm, but is fine. Though he might have a a small trauma. He was the one to call 911. Nick, or Mush, has a mild concussion, but should be able to leave tomorrow. Michael and Isaac on the other hand are not that good." She paused for a moment to look at the description of her patients. "Michael has a broken leg and hasn't woken up yet and Isaac has large cut on his head, a few broken ribs and hasn't woken up yet either."
"Can we see them?"
"You two can visit L- Kid Blink and Mush first while my colleagues finish their work at the twin boys. They have requested to be in one room together, which makes it easier for you too. They're in room 247." Both of the boys thanked the doctor and walked to the room. Davey hesitated, because he didn't really know if he should enter, but Jack busted through the door. Mush and Blink almost jumped a hole in the roof, but relaxed when they saw them. Jack walked over quickly and hugged Mush while Davey hugged Blink.
"The hell happened?"
"We were coming back from a party at a friends house, but I think Mike lost control of the car or something, because everything went black and when I opened my eyes no one was reacting and..." Blink began hyperventilating.
"Hey, calm down. It's alright." Jack wrapped one arm around the boy and sat next to him on the bed. Mush was laying on the other bed and tried to get up to comfort his boyfriend, but was stopped by Davey's hand on his shoulder.
"You have a concussion. Stay in bed." Davey's mom voice came out. Blink gave him a reassuring look as he got his breathing back under control.
"You did good kid." Jack complimented him.
"Mister Jacobs and Mister Kelly. I need someone for paperwork and there are some boys here to see you." A nurse stood in the doorway and looked at the last part at Blink and Mush.
"I'll do the paperwork. Why don't you go check on Mike and Ike." Davey kisses his boyfriend before walking after the nurse. Jack walked out and was greeted by his friends who stood eagerly waiting to check on their friends.
"Jack!" Crutchie greeted him. Worry was in his eyes and he held a firm grip on Finch's hand.
"Crutch. I love you, but I would rather have you not breaking my hand." Finch commented. Crutchie looked up and softened the grip.
"Sorry." He kisses his boyfriends cheek as apology.
"You van go in there, but don't ask anything about the crash. Blink isn't fully recovered from that yet." Jack told the boys and all of them slowly walked into the room.
"Spot, Race, Albert, Elmer." Jack stopped the four before they could walk past him. "I need two of you to come with me and two to go to Ike."
Elmer grabbed Race's hand. Jack knew he didn't want to choose between the two brothers since they were two of his best friends.
"Spot and I'll go to Ike. You three go to Mike." Albert spoke up. He placed a hand on Elmer's shoulder and squeezed slightly. Elmer was the youngest of the four and the closest to the twins. They separated when they stood in front of the two doors that led to the rooms. Jack rushed over to Mike's side while Elmer stood frozen in the doorway with Race hugging him from the back trying to calm him. Mike looked really bad. Bruises covered his body and there were some cuts. His leg was in a cast and his eyes were still closed. If it wasn't for the small rise and fall of his chest you would think he was dead.
"Hey, Mikey boy, time to wake up now." Jack whispered and grabbed a hold of the boys hand. As if on cue his eyes started to slowly open.
"Hey, Mike, how are you feeling?" Race asked as he slowly pushed Elmer inside.
"Who are you?" The three boys looked at him wide eyed.
"It's me. Elmer. We've been friends for years. Please remember me." Elmer began to panic.
"I- I'm sorry. I don't." Mike stuttered while he looked at the boys in the room.
"It's alright. I'm Jack. That's Race. You were in a car crash with your brother and two friends." Jack explained calmly. He wanted to just straight out panic, but knew he had to stay calm for all of their sakes.
"Why don't you remember." Elmer whispered softly. He was still in shock. Jack looked over at Race and Race took Elmer by the hand and guided him out. Jack looked back at Mike and saw that the boy had drifted of to sleep again. He lifted the sleeping boy's hand to his mouth and gently kissed his knuckles.
"Please get better, Mikey." He whispered. Jack stood up and walked over to the other room.
"Spot, can you go sit with Elmer? I need Race to watch Mike for me."
"What happened?" Albert asked confused.
"Mike woke up for half a minute, but he didn't remember. A lump formed in his throat. He wanted to cry so badly. Spot nodded and headed out. They could hear Elmer's cries a few seconds later, but they were muffled in an instant again. Probably by Spot's shirt.
"You want me to stay here?" Albert asked.
"Yeah. I'm going to see how the other's are doing."
"They're doing fine. Sit down." Davey came in behind him. He walked over to a chair and sat down with his arms wide open. Jack took the invitation gladly.
"I'll leave you two alone." Albert grinned a little as he walked out the room towards Race.
"It's going to be okay." Davey reassured Jack.
"I know. I just wish I could do something." Jack leaned back and let his head rest on Davey's shoulder.
"How about we let the boys stay at our house until they're better again." Davey suggested.
"Sometimes, and I say sometimes, I think you are even smarter than Katherine." Jack grinned as he kissed his boyfriend's cheek.
"Jack!" Race's voice sounded through the room. He stood at the door with a big smile on his face. "He remembers." Jack sprinted out of the room and tackled Mike in a hug.
"Ow." The boy said, but smiled and hugged back.
"How are you feeling?" Davey asked while walking in.
"Leg hurts like hell, but fine. Where's Ike?"
"Mike..." Jack began hesitantly.
"He hasn't woken yet." Race finished for him. Mike looked horrified.
"I need to see him!" He started to get up, but was pushed back by Albert.
"You're nog going anywhere. You've got a broken leg and last time you were awake you couldn't remember anything." Albert said calmly. Mike kept struggling for a minute, but eventually gave in.
"How about I get the boys in here." Race suggested. Mike nodded.
"How about first only Finch, Crutchie, Elmer, Spot, Blink and Mush. You look really tired. It's okay if you fall asleep when they're in here." Mike agreed with Jack and Race took off towards the other room.

The day went by rather quickly. Ike woke up, Mike fell asleep surrounded by his friends and everyone was just glad no one died.
The twins stayed a three days at the hospital before both boys were allowed to go home. They stayed at Davey and Jack's till a month after.
Mike had nightmares, always blaming himself.
Ike wouldn't sit in the car the first week, but quickly came over his fear.
Elmer came by almost all days with one or more of his boyfriends. Mike often reassuring him that he wouldn't ever forget about him ever again. (And Ike pulled a prank on him one time by saying: "who's Elmer?" Which let to a crying Elmer and a lecture from Davey.)
Blink and Mush were allowed to go home the first day and stayed at Crutchie and Finch's. Both of them were quick to recover and were going on like normal soon after.

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