Bad Wife

785 39 17

Whitney Pov

I snuck upstairs into my office where Janet waited, giggling like a hyena. I closed the door and laughed.

"Was that good?" I asked.

"Very." She nodded.

"When she leaves, I'll go tell him."

"No. Keep it up for a few more hours." Janet said. "I know im being a bad sister but I dont like a cheating brother."

"Thanks, Dunk." I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go and take Randy to the doctor. He's got a strept throat." Janet said.

"Okay. Love you." I gave her another kiss on the cheek.

"Love you, too." She said.

I sit down in my chair and sigh. I dont feel bad. Not at all. Michael hurt me. I want revenge. I know I said I forgive him but nothings wrong with pulling a joke on my spouse. And I dont care if he gets mad when I tell him.

"Whitney!" Michael said storming in my office.

I simply sit there and look at him. "What?"

"What was that?" He asked.

"Continue. "

"I didn't call her." He said slowly.

"Sure. You're a liar."

"Youre gonna believe someone you despise over your husband?" He pointed at himself.

"I mean you did it before." I said.

I got up and walked downstairs and into the foryer. My precious baby was in her jolly jumper. Of course, Rita was watchig her but I felt like being rude. I flicked my hand at her and pointed for her to go somewhere else.

"That was mean." Michael commented when she left.

"Ask me if I care." I said taking my baby. "Hi, baby! Hi, Jazzy!"

"I cannot believe this."

"If you can show me proof that you werent gonna f*ck her, Ill never bring her name or the situation up ever again." I said.

"Whitney, you gave me another chance." He was quieter now. "Why would I want to ruin my chance? You know me. It's obvious I love you."

"Really? You sure?" I said. I only wanted to hear him pour his heart out like he used to do in the early days. "Prove it."

"If I didnt love you or care, I wouldnt be here trying to make you believe me, Whitney! I could just give up and sign the papers but Im trying to convince you to believe me."

"I dont like pedestrians." I murmmered.

"What?" Michael frowned.

I really looked at him. He was very upset. On the verge of tears. His big brown eyes glistening. I started to feel bad. I mean if it was me in Michael shoes I really wouldve gave up. But his dumb ass isnt gonna stop. I mean, I dont deserve him. This joke isnt cool. I should punch Janet in the mouth for making me do this. No! Im gonna take responsibilty. It is my fault. Why is he still here? Why does he love a bitch like me?

He keeps chasing Waterfalls.

I take a deep breath and look at Jasmine. I dont wanna look at his face when I tell him. But my little pigglin has his features. What the f*ck?!

"I know you didnt." I said quietly.

"Didnt what?" He blinked back the tears.

"Invite her over."

"Excuse me?" He frowned.

"I did, Michael."

I tried to make a convincing laugh as I watched him digest the news. Literally, Michael got red. His eyes narrowed and his lips were in a tight line. He was the real AppleHead.

"Funny, right?" I said. "Life is crazy, baby. Sometimes you gotta have fun."

"Fun? You call that fun? Huh?" He said.

"Yeah. I actually do." I didnt want him to know I was feeling bad. I wanted him to see that I didnt care about his feelings cause he dont care about mine. If he did, he would never have cheated on me.

"Really?!" He yelled. Jasmine turned around and looked at him. "Do you understand what you did?"

"No. Break it down."

"You made me look like a liar. You made me feel horrible and weak!"

"You are a liar."

"No im not. I told you everything!"

"How did you feel weak and horrible?"

"Horrible because you were probably going to divorce me. Weak because I couldnt make you believe me!"


"You dont care, though." He said.

"You dont either! If you did you never wouldve cheated?!"

"Stop doing that! When you do something wrong, you blame it on someone else! Take responsibilty for once! Youre not a good wife! If you never did drugs, this never wouldve happened. Everything would be fine!"

I only stared at him. For the first time in our years together, Michael just went crazy on me. He was low blowing right now. I was stunned. He was being a jerk.

"So, what's your point?" I asked.

"You dont get it." He shook his head

"Get what?!" I screamed. "What?! I understand youre hurt and upset!! But come on, Michael! A bad wife? Huh? Im a bad wife? And you wanna use my drug addiction against me? Im a great wife! I didnt have to give birth to your child! I didnt have to give into your needs all the time! I didnt have to do alot of shit but I did! For you! Mr. Perfect! I couldve did what Jeana did! I couldve claimed Im preggo with your baby and tried to take your money! So dont tell me im not a good wife! EVER! Cause Im not a cheater. I didnt cheat on you! I couldve went on being a junkie even if you divorced me! Okay?! You must be out of your rabid ass mind! Call me whatever! I dont give a damn! Just leave me alone. And if Im a bad wife, just let me sign the papers! I will gladly do it! F*ck you!"

I stormed out leaving Michael in total shock. He's not the only one that can low blow.

-Hey pedestrians ! 🚸

-Hope you like ! 😘 Second to last chapter . 😔😩📖

-ChunkyMonkey 🙊

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