Missing Her Already

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Michael's POV

As soon as I was in my hotel room, I dashed to the phone and dialed Neverland's house number. I put it on speaker because I was undressing.

"Hello?" Whitney answered in a high pitched voice.

"Hey!" I sighed in relief that she answered.

"Uh...may I ask who is this?" She sound really confused.

"It's me!" I exhaled. "You're husband!"

"Oh, hi, baby!" She squeaked.

"I can't believe you didn't know who it was. Don't you check caller ID?" I asked taking off my shirt.

"Nope." She burped really loudly.

"Whitney, that's disgusting!" I exclaimed.

"I don't care." She laughed.

"Anyway, I miss you already." I said.

"Aw. Baby, I miss you, too. I just threw up like five minutes before you called. But it's funny because I haven't eaten anything all day. It was just yellow, gooky, slimy stuff."

"Why haven't you ate?"

"Because I wasn't hungry."

"Sweetheart, you have to eat. You have to feed. the baby. Please go eat something."

"Michael, it's three in the morning!" She chuckled.

"I don't care. You think you can wait without getting hungry?"

I knew the answer to that. Nippy loves to eat. Literally. The only thing she doesn't eat is turkey. She lives seafood and salads, and candy, and chips. And so much more.

Out of no where she bursted out laughing. I jumped a little and shook my head.

"I want to laugh." I said.

"Spongebob." She said.

"Oh my-" I sucked my teeth.

"Babe, are you preforming tomorrow?"

"Yes. At eight. Then I'll need one day to relax and I'll be on a plane to Santa Barbra County, California to be with my wife."

"You wanna know something funny?"


"I lived at Neverland for a while, but I don't know what's the address." She laughed.

"Wow, Whitney." I sighed. "5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd, Los Olivos, CA 93441."

"That's a lot to remember." She gasped.

"Whitney, you are too silly." I yawned.

"You tired?" Whitney, cooed.

"Yeah." I nod. "Long flight."

"Alright, well get some rest. Call me before you preform." She said.

"Okay." I walked over to the phone. "I love you."

"I love you, too." She said.

I hung up and sighed. I'm missing her already. Ugh! That call was breaking me down. I craved for us to cuddle on the couch, watching TV. That's a very sweet way to bond.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I have a show to do tomorrow! And even if I'm suffering without Nippy I have to satisfy my fans! Go to sleep! I thought.

I walked out the bathroom, turned off the lights and got in the bed.

-Another Short Chapter ... 😣 .... I'm sorry ... And my phone is being a bitch tonight plus I'm exhausted but I managed . And yes I do know the address to Neverland ... Don't judge me ! 😌

-Someone messaged me and asked me why I call myself ChunkyMonkey. I used to be chunky and my favorite puzzles to put together was monkeys. And my mom kept saying that and now it's stuck. I like it tho ! 💙❤️

-ChunkyMonkey 🙊

Michael Jackson and  Whitney HoustonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora