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Michael POV

Is it just me or is my house the only decorative house out of my friends and families. I mean, why cant they add a lion or even a water slide in their yard. It was so boring.

Randy handed me a mug and poured water into it. I played with the tea bag and sighed in aggravation. Of all people I go to Randy. This is gonna be one hell of a talk.

"So, what's going on?" Randy sat down and looked at Jasmine in her stroller.

"Randy, it's been two weeks." I groaned.

"Okay. Confusion. Teo weeks for what?"

"Whitney has been gone for two weeks. And it's worrying me."

"I'm sure she's fine, Mike. Whitney is legit the most bad ass chick I've ever met." Randy laughed.

"Not about her. About me."

"Confusion. You look fine." Randy frowned.

"Randy! I'm not fine. I am not fine! I mean, Jesus."


"Randy, you're not helping." I snapped.

"Okay. Okay. I'm gonna play shrink. Tell me why ya worried."

"After the whole drug and cheating situation, I've been restraining myself. And that's because my wife was there. Every day, I wake up and see her. All day, I hear her."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Whitney is across the country. She used to be two feet away from me so I had no time for messing around. She's far away. Plenty of time to bang whoever I want." I finally blurt out.

"You wanna hear my personal opinion?"

I nodded.

"Man, I know how that feels."


"No. I was just trying to make you feel better. If I'm not with someone, I have no urge to just sleep around. But if you like another you know what, go get it. I'm not saying to cheat, I'm just saying that if your suffering, do something about it."

"First off I cant. One because I have no one to bang. Tatiana, she's great but I will feel terrible because that's my wife worst enemy. I was thinking of it before but now I feel disgusted. And I dont wanna loose Whit."


That is dirty. I mean, I love Diana. She's smart, beautiful and funny but she's too old for me. I told Randy my thoughts.

"Brooke. She's a nice gal." Randy said.


Randy debated. "Don't get mad."


"For the past month, I've been meaning to give you something. An old friend of yours gave Janet this and Donk gave it to me. I was afraid because I thought it'll piss you off. Here."

Randy walked to his fridge and pull out a piece of paper. I didn't bother to ask of the hiding place.

Hey, sweetheart. How would you like to go to dinner some time?


I looked at Randy. "Who is it?"

"I have no clue."

"Yes you do. Why did you keep saying you didnt wanna piss me off?"
"Michael, I don't wanna say. Let's just say, she's a thing of the past. Call her."

Michael Jackson and  Whitney HoustonWhere stories live. Discover now