Not So Innocent

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Whitney POV

There was a knock on my door.
I walked over and opened them up. I nearly fainted in disgust. I apparently not only have an ex drug dealer but new a stalker.

"What in the hell?" I growled.

Brown pushed past me and strolled in as if he lived here.

"Are you stalking me?" I snapped.

"Nah. Just saw that you was here in a magazine. Have you forgotten that you're a star and paparazzi will snap every moment of your life. I can't believe you came all this way just to not see me. Nippy-"

"Look, d*ck, I didn't fly thousands of miles to get rid of you. You actually think that I'll leave my husband and my wife and my home for that. You're out of you're rabid ass mind." I crossed my arms.

He took a pen from his pocket and opened it up. He poured a little cocaine in his palm and sniffed it. He offered me some and I shook my head.

"Oops. I forgot. Clean Mom alert. He's got you on lock down?"

"Wht are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes.

"I miss you at home." He said. I looked at him. "Okay. So I thought that since you're away from Wacko Jacko, you would stop playing games and admit you have a thing for me."

"Bobby, I don't. I never did and I never will. You nearly ruined my life."

"This is about him? Trying to ruin us?"

"There was never an us."

"At night, I put on your videos and get off on them."

"Ew. Why am I being informed of this persoanl information?"

"I love you. I can give you more than Michael Jackson." Bobby said. "He's barely even a man. He talks like a six year old."

"And you come in here with a leather jacket, jeans and glasses? I like curls and he may talk like a bitch but his stroke game is like a horny guy thwt's been in jail way to long. That tells you alot."

"So you're only with him for sex. Oh thank God. I thought-"

"Look, Bobby, I love him. I'll make you a deal."


"If you can build a hundred foot statue of me, I'll divorce Michael. That's somethig he's never done for me. Let's see if anothing man can." I lied. No way he'll do this.


"Seriously." I nodded.

Bobby debated and finally smiled in agreement. He told me he'll do it and it'll be amazing just like me. I felt sorry for the poor guy. He's obsessing over me. What's so great about me? I have flaws like everyone else. I may have a voice and great teeth and good looks but my personality and attitude sucks.

Just as I was lost in thought, I was pushed into the wall and furiously kissed. And I liked it. I pulled away from Bobby and looked in his eyes. He was high. I was a Coc Head before. When those eyes get puffy and red, either your high or you was crying. And he wasnt crying.


"Vicky, I'm so ashamed." I sobbed into her chest.

Vicky who had come back from the movie rental place was oblivious to everything that happened. The conversation, the kiss, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall. What would she think of me?

"Whitney, sweetheart, what happened?" Vicky rubbed my back.

I told her everything starting from the party. I had to tell her why he showed up and things like that. Did she change her expression? No. Simply sat with me and wiped the tears that flowed from my eyes like a river.

"He's gonna divorce me. How could I do this?"

"Whitney, I doubt Michael would divore you over this. I mean, he's cheated right? That'll make him almost a hypocrite if he does. And you made a mistake. It wasn't as if you called Bobby Brown to fly across the country and screw him. It was unexpected. Stop crying. You're not the only one in this relationship that was unfaithful. Come on. I'm sure Michael would understand, homie."

I looked at Vicky who smiled down at me.

"You wanna bounce tonight?"

"Please, no. Another week?"

"Sure. Just don't let this get in the way of you're sanity. I've met women who cheated on someone and lost their f*cking mind. Whitney, if I see another tear, I'm going to smack the shit out you." Vicky said.

"Okay, okay. F*cker."

I gave Vicky a deep hug. She was so understanding and living that it made me happy. I was grateful that people in this world cared about me. But I betcha in a week, I'll lose one of those people.

-Not a good chapter, eh? Sorry lovebugs .

-I was listening 👂and watching 👀See You Again by Wiz Khalifa and I started crying.😢 One, Paul aint deserve to die😔, and it got me thinking of MJ 🎩 . <(His fedora)

-Imagine what the cast of the F&F movies felt as they watched Paul's brother play him 🎥 . like they were probably saying😣💬 "is that how Paul would've done it?" i cried 😢when they seperated at the end of 7 🚙🚗. Is it the last movie ? It should be because it wouldn't be right without my son Paul Walker. R.I.P Bro . 💖💓🙏👐 . And he was sexy as f*ck . 😘😍


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