Wrong Arrival

485 32 11

Whitney POV

I sat in the back of the limo, feeling my stomach drop as we draw closer and closer to Exit 12. I had put Vicky in her own limo home but we decided to meet up at Bella's for some pizza next weekend.

I was sulking in my seat, wondering if Michael already found out. If Bobby told him. I doubt it. Now that Bobby believes i'll divorce Michael for a statue, he wouldn't dare jepordize it.

Soon,we were pulling up to the gates of Neverland. On the golden gates, a sign said "Welcome home Nippy!" I grinned. I kept that grin as we drove to the main house. I have to find a way to hide my secret until the right time.

"Michael!" I walked into the house and closed the door.

"Seems like you been gone forever."

Michael was leaning on the banister with his hands clapsed together. Why is he wearing glasses on his face? I want to see his beautiful eyes. I smiled and looked to my left.

A beautiful gold statue of me was standing tall in the west corner of the living room. Did Bobby send this? Not likely. He couldn't have finsihed the project ao soon.

I felt Michael wrap his hands around me and he kissed my neck. I giggled and wriggled from his hold. I turn to face him and take off his glasses.

"That's better." I said and kissed his cheek.

"I thought you'd run in my arms and hug me and tell me you love me." Michael smiled.

I backed up to the other wall and kick off my jacket and shoes. I ran and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. I kissed him.

"Happy, now?"

"You've been gone for a long time. I missed you." Michael hands roamed my body.

I got off him before things could go too far.

"I thought that since you were gone, you would change."

"On our anniversary I will let you rule my body for as long as you want." I lied knowing good well we wont last.

"Promise?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Pinky promise." We lock pinkies.

I felt something on my leg and looked just in time to see Jaz run away. My baby's running. Wow. She's growing up so fast.

The doorbell rang and I walked with Michael to open it.

"Oh hell no."

Looking at my husband with passion was the one and only Tatiana. And the other one. It took a minute for me to register what's going on.

"Here." Jean handed Michael a blue envolope.

Michael was red with anger as he opened it up. He read it for a second before crumbling it up and throwing it over his shoulder.

"I was right." Jean said. "But the kid is just your son." She snag.

Michael slammed the door and stomped upstairs. I waited until I heard the door close to our bed room before opening the door again. They were still there.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He called us begging for us. Whitney, I'm-" Tatiana began.

I felt a hand jerking me back from the door and it slamming. Michael locked the doors then once again stormed upstairs.

I looked confusingly at the white crumbled up paper. I picked it up and smooth it out. I read it then gasped.

-Eggs 🍳Bacon Grits SAUSAGE ! 🍆

-I've been very boring tonight😖 and I apologise for my pedestrian ways .🚷

-Jasmine is basically my little brother👦but in a girl version 👧. My lil bro is ten months and he's walking and things like that so I said f*ck it 😑 . Let me just put the things he does in the story for Jay May.😏



Michael Jackson and  Whitney Houstonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें