Like A Family ✋❤

565 38 16

Whitney Pov

I heard a car door slam outside and I sighed. Their here. Michael and the new member of the family is here. Now that Jean told me her purpose for going after MJ after all these years, I was excited to meet him.

The front door opens and Michael came in. Brandon was almost Michael's clone. He had the exact same skin color, eyes and even hair. Is his hair naturaly curly, or is that a Jerry Curl? He had a energy around him that made me warm up. Just like his Daddy.

"Brandon, this is my wife, Whitney. And your sister Jasmine." Michael said gesturing to us.

Brandon bounded right over and hugged me. "I've heard alot about you. You are more stunning in person."

Stunning in person? He is so proper. "Thank you. You know, you're cute yaself."

"Thank you." He smiled. He then looked around. "I'll be staying at your own amusemnt park until my mom comes back?"

My heart shattered. I shot Michael a look.

"It's not my amusement park. It's Whitney's, it's Jasmine's, your's "and mine. We're a family." Michael smiled.

"I should go unpack." He said.

"I'll come." I volunteered.

"I'll prepare a snack." Michael said taking Jasmine.

I ushered Brandon up the stairs and down a few halls and turns before reaching his room. Michael had decked it out in little boy theme. What little kids doesn't like Spiderman and BatMan and Superman? Action figures of the three heros wre on shelves and there was a book shelf full of child boy books. The bed was already made in dark comforting. I began helping him put away his things.

"Ms. Whitney." Brandon said quietly. "My mom isn't coming back for a while, is she?"

"No, sweetheart. She had to go away for something important."

That was kind of true.

I'm not used to being without a mom..." Brandon paused. "Can I call you Mom?"

Inside, my heart stitched back from the question he asked downstairs. He wants to call me mom, really? Oh my Lord. I wasn't gonna just say yes because I felt bad. I'm gonna say yes because I feel comfortable with the situation.

"Of course. Can I call you son?"

"Of course." He nodded.


Michael climbed in bed next to me. I was reading a book and he pushed it out my hands and laid his head on my lap. Jasmine, was sleeping peacefully beside me. We sometimes let her sleep with us.

"When we finna start planning her birthday party?" I asked.

"I don't kow. Listen, can you turn out the light so I can sleep?"

"I was reading though." I frowned.


Just as I was reaching over to turn off the lights, there was a soft knock on the door. Michael allowed him to come in. Brandon closed the door and looked embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, but I was wondering if I could sleep with you guys tonight." Brandon asked.

"Of course." I said brightly.

Michael seemed shocked by how my response sounded. He moved from the middle of the bed to let room for Brandon. I put Jasmine next to me on the inside.

"Scared of the dark?" I asked, my finger on the switch.


"Don't worry. We're right here." Michael smiled.

I flick off the lights and snuggle deeper next to Jasmine. As a family, minus the already sleeping baby, we slowly drift off.

-Final chapter 📖 . Well, I will update A/N to let u know about the next book . 📚👏

-We've come a long way in this book . 📖☝So sad to let it go . ✊🙌😢☝

-I'll be updating the secod one maybe next week 😏 . Only one chapter and if ya like , I'll keep going on .😀 ❤


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