This Is What It Feels Like ?

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Michael's POV

I held Jasmine in my arms as she whimpered. She was half asleep but she kept shaking, and moving, and whimpering so I just picked her up and started rocking her.

Her room was very beautiful and creative. Most parents decorate their daughter rooms with heart and princesses and stars. Not us. She had one wall that was all TinkerBell. TinkerBell wallpaper. A shelf of TinkerBell Knickknacks and stuffed dolls. One wall with stars. Most of her stuff was pink and white. Her crib was pink but with white designs. Her huge wardrobe had a lot of pink and white and gold and all different color clothes. She was too gorgeous. I believe she got her beauty from Nippy. We discovered that she has deep dimples the other day when she smiled in her sleep. Her skin wasn't really dark. She was actually light skinned. I'm actually proud to know that I helped conceive her.

"Here, honey." Whitney walked in with a small bottle.

"Two ounces?" I asked sitting down in the rocking chair.

"Yes." Whitney nodded. "I'll be in my office doing fan mail."

"Okay." I dismissed her.

I watched as Jasmine started to squirm and cry out a little. Ugh. When she's mad her face gets red and her eyes squint. Too cute. I stick the bottle in her mouth and started singing softly.

*I'm gonna make a change for once in my life-

Gonna feel real good

Gonna make a difference

Gonna make it right-

As I turned up the collar on my favorite winter coat

This wind is blowing my mind

I see the kids in the street

Without enough to eat

Who am I to be blind pretending not to see their needs

A summers disregard

A broken bottle top

And a one mans soul

They follow each other on the wind ya know

Cause they got no place to go

That's why I wantcha to know

I'm starting with the Man In The Mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

And no message could've been any clearer

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make that change*

I stopped singing when I saw that Jasmine stopped drinking. I took the bottle out of her mouth and sat her up on my lap. I held her neck softly and patted her back. And she started getting fussy. After a few minutes she went into a rage.

"You know you have to burp, TinkerBell. We go through this every time." I said in a baby voice.

I just let her have her hissy fit even after she burped three times. Sooner or later her cries died down and she fell asleep in my arms. I got up and put her in her crib. I put a blanket on her and turned on the baby monitor and walked out the room.

"Nippers!" I yell and ran into her office.

She was on the phone smiling. I quieted down and sat in one of the Rollie chairs.

"I think we could make it." She said nodding. "I don't think he would mind. I don't know about Jasmine. If we take her with us then we wouldn't have a great time. Maybe my mother could watch her. Bobby, don't be ridiculous. I'm a very nice person. Just because my nickname is Nippy and because I was a mean baby doesn't mean that I'm still the same way.-" there was a pause. "Perfect! I'll bring something. Okay. Address?"

I watched as she took out her small notepads. She scribbled on them and smiled.

"Okay, we'll be there." She said and put the phone back in it's holder. She looked at me. "Hi, honey."

"Bobby?" I asked.

"Brown. Bobby Brown. He invited us to his home tomorrow for dinner. He just wants a chance to get to know us. Stuff like that doesn't happen a lot." She said. "Do you wanna come?"

"What time?" I asked.

"Eight o'clock." She said.

"Sure." I smiled. "I'll go."

"Thanks." She sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked rolling around in my chair.

"Huh?" She frowned. "Nothing. I'm fine."

I immediately knew she was lying. When she lies blinks fast. I've been with her for a long time so I know all Whitney games.

"Tell me." I said.

"Nothing, Michael." She gasped.

"Why are you sighing and gasping?"

"I'm aching. From getting up every three to four hours, hearing soft cries, being thrown up on. Your not exhausted?" She said rubbing her temples. "I have a headache."

"Nippy, it's only been two weeks." I chuckled.

"I know." She said putting her head down on the desk.

"Sweet heart, that's the price of having a baby. I mean if we would've planned it then it may have been easier. I mean like we would've practiced or what ever. But we didn't. It just happened. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death." I said.

"Who can't love her?" Whitney picked her head up.

"Wanna foot massage?" I asked.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Alright c'mon." I said.

She quickly got up and we ran, like two little kids, out the office.

-Ugh...I'm still unhappy 😒 (NippyxApplehead and hannahnicolefoll knows what I'm talking about. But I couldn't resist writing . ✏️📓

-Anyway, this is just not a right time to act happy . ☝️. A lot of stuff being brought up and a very depressing week is coming up 😢. If you read my bio you'll understand. 😣 . I changed it. But I'll try my best to write a great chapter . 😐


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