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Everything I have that's finished I shall post starting with this request by Taekookie__vkk

Jungkook POV
"Alright Kookie I'm leaving now I'll be back a little later ok"

My dad says while frantically looking for his car keys I grab them from the kitchen counter then fix his tie before handing him his keys

"Have fun dad"

I say with a smile he kisses the top of my head then leaves, this is his fourth date this week with his girlfriend named Kim Chunye who is very sweet she makes my dad smile alot so I like her

I heard she has a son around my age but I've never met him I don't even know his name actually but my dad says we will meet soon since they've been talking about moving in with each other so they will most likely move here with us

With my dad finally gone I let out a sigh then go to my room before I pull out my phone so I can call my favorite Hyung named Jimin once he answers we start talking about who we would have sex with in our friend group
Yoongi can definitely fuck me I mean come on have you seen that man
I guess what about Namjoon? Personally he can get it I mean those dimples be making me feel some type of way
Oh yea Namjoon can absolutely bend me over literally anywhere but what about Hobi cause baby! His duality is incredible
Oh my god yes Hobi can get it whenever the hell he wants the way he gets when he's annoyed is just so sexy, now what about Jin?
Two bottoms don't make a top honey, I can't believe you asked me that
Jin has his top moments....said no one ever umm what about Jackson
Wang...I mean he's cute but I don't think I'd let him smash would you?
He can be a quickie anything longer than that I honestly don't know hmmm Yugyeom?
Bitch that's easy hell no I can't have sex with a baby that's just weird
He's only one year younger than me dummy
He's a baby hell no, would you let him fuck you?
Yea if I was drunk as hell, Me?
Jungkookie honey you can fuck me whenever you want...but sadly you aren't a top cause sweetheart if you were we would've fucked a long time ago, Me?
Jimin as you said two bottoms don't make a top besides your two feet tall that would just be we-
Look here hoe I'm five foot two inches tall you're five foot six so don't make me slap you
Ok sorry nubs
I-you know what that's why I'm buying food without you
Noooo Hyung I was joking you're so so tall and you can definitely top me ok!
Good boy but anyways what about your future step-brother?
I haven't met him yet but hopefully he isn't weird or clingy
Yea if he's fine as hell I'm going to be over your house every single day I swear
I will kick your ass out every single time besides I've never had a fine step sibling in my life so I'm pretty sure he won't be all that
Well as long as he's cool with my munchkin he can keep his head
See you're always ready to kill for me that's why I love you Jiminie
I love you too midget now I have to go Yoongi just pulled up
Get that dick sis
Trust and believe I will see ya tomorrow
See you tomorrow
I hung up the phone with a smile then decided to take a nap which resulted in me having a dream about going on a shopping spree, eating food, and meeting my future step-brother his face was blurred out but he seemed like a nice guy in my dream at least

I was awoken by the sound of the front door opening so I rub my eyes then get into character as the most innocent child in the world as I walk out of my room seeing my dad and Ms. Kim I smile at her getting a smile back

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