*Sure You Do*

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Hello Author here and this chapter is going to be short hope you guys enjoy
Highschool TaeKook
Love Hate Relationship
Jungkook POV
"Damn Jeon nice ass"

Taehyung says with a whistle as I walk past him I flip him off then continue to walk down the hall heading to the bathroom

Once I make it to the bathroom I saw that it was completely empty so I went over to the sink pulling some cherry chapstick out of my pocket

I heard the bathroom door open making me smirk since I knew exactly who it was

"Took you long enough I was getting bored"

I say turning around to face Taehyung he hums then places his hands on the back of my thighs picking me up he places me on the counter then slots himself between my legs

"Well maybe if you weren't so desperate I wouldn't have kept you waiting"

Taehyung says kissing up my neck I roll my eyes at his words then shove him a little bit causing him to chuckle

"I really hate you ya know that"

"Yet here you are waiting for me to hug and kiss you since I'm your boyfriend, yea you definitely hate me"

He says with a chuckle I pout at him leaning forward to place a kiss on his lips he kisses me back while placing his hands on my waist

The kiss was slow, sweet, and passionate making my heart burst at the warm feeling that engulfed my body as we continued the kiss

Taehyung pulls me to the edge of the counter so that my crotch is against the base of his stomach I wrap my fingers in his hair tugging at it every now an then

I feel him nibble on my bottom lip so I open my mouth whimpering as his tongue basically goes down my throat

Taehyungs hands slide down from my waist to my thighs squeezing them while his tongue tangles with mine causing a moan to leave my lips

In the process of us practically devouring each other we forgot breathing was important I realized that when my lungs started burning from the lack of air

Taehyung pulls away from the kiss taking a deep breath I do the same we take deep breaths for a couple of seconds before diving back into each other's mouths

This time I bit down harshly on Taehyungs bottom lip earning a groan while his mouth was open I took the chance sliding my tongue into his wet cavern

He didn't fight me back for dominance as I basically devoured his mouth he only held onto my waist tightly

I felt his tongue magically come to life finally fighting mine off for dominance which he won as he plunged his tongue into my mouth

His hands slid up from my thighs to under my shirt causing me to shiver from how cold his hands are

A small whine left my lips as I felt his thumbs brush against my nipples I broke away from the kiss as he started to play with my nipple

He started kissing down my neck but we got interrupted by the school bell I let out a loud whine since we can't continue

Taehyung sighs then pulls away from me helping me off the counter I wrap my arms around his neck giving him a peck on the lips

"My place after school?"

I ask Taehyung earning a nod in response I sigh then give him a long firm kiss to the lips before walking out of the bathroom

As I was walking down the hallway to my class I felt a harsh slap to my ass that made my body jolt a little bit

"Nice ass Jeon"

Taehyung says chuckling afterwards I turn around to look at him then flip him off

"I hate you"

"Sure you do"

He says grabbing ahold of my waist I chuckle at him wrapping my arms around his neck

"I love you"

Taehyung says staring into my eyes I look back into his feeling warmth spread throughout my body at his gaze

"Sure you do"

I tease earning a smile I giggle then say 'I love you too' before running to my class since I was already late
Author here so this is like a mini chapter and it's super super short so I hope you guys enjoyed I wanted to try something new I will probably start posting more mini chapters in between the actual chapters I don't know but tell me what you guys think as always love you guys loads

~Yaya Out~

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