*Cold Hearted*

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Taehyung has been in a relationship with Jungkook for three years now and the younger is a cold hearted man who shows no affection to the older not even in the slightest but what happens when Taehyung finally snaps and has had enough of being ignored by the younger?
Taehyung POV
"Our anniversary is coming up and he treats me like I'm not fucking there what the hell do I do?"

I groan hearing my best friend's laugh at me I flip them off earning four middle fingers back in response

"Break up with him dumbass he obviously doesn't love you Taehyung he literally pays zero attention to you and he's the twink of your guys relationship I don't get it how can the twink that wanted to be with you ignore you?"

Jimin says while sharpening his nails I let out a sigh then get up these bitches are going to be literally no help

"Bye whores you guys are no help I'm going to try and get my baby boy"

I say walking out of Jins dorm I walk down the hall to Jungkooks dorm taking a deep breath before knocking on the door

My breath hitches as Jungkook opens the door wearing nothing but a white fluffy robe that fell off his shoulders he looked at me with a raised brow indicating me to talk

"Hey Koo"

I say nervously earning an eye roll from him he opened the door for me so I walked in going straight to the couch

"What do you want I need to leave in twenty minutes and I don't have the time to deal with your complaining about bullshit so what the hell is it?"

Jungkook asks me harshly causing my jaw to lock I honestly don't know why I stay with this asshole but I guess thats what a one sided love is

"Our anniversary is in a couple days do you have anything you want to do?"

I ask earning a groan from Jungkook I let out a sigh then stand up knowing he doesn't want to deal with me right now

Jungkook gave me a look of confusion as I walked towards the door with a heavy heart and sad eyes I think it's time to call it quits

"Jungkook I think it's time we take a break from each other you obviously don't care about me we have been dating for a year now and I barely know anything about you we don't talk, we don't go on dates, we don't even give each other kisses so we should just call it quits"

I say while looking down at my feet my head snaps up when I hear sniffles coming from Jungkook 'oh god did I make him cry?' I ask myself as I see him wiping away tears

"W-who said I don't care? I do care I just have issues ok so no we aren't taking a break from each other Kim Taehyung we aren't taking a break ok"

Jungkook says with tears rolling down his face I let out a small chuckle then run over to him pulling him into my chest so he can let it all out

I placed a kiss to the top of his head while wrapping my arms around his waist tightly he sobbed into my chest making me smile knowing he isn't an emotionless rock

Sometimes I wonder why I'm with Jungkook then I realize it's because I fell in love with him no matter how much of an asshole he is no matter how much he ignores me no matter how much he pushes my feelings to the side

I could never leave him now I know some of you guys are like that isn't a good relationship which you are right it isn't a good relationship or healthy but we both have issues we need to work out that's why we stay

"I'm not going anywhere"

I whisper as he stops crying he looks up at me making me smile a little bit since he looks so small and vulnerable right now

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