*Long Night*

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Jungkook POV
"Come on Jungkook have fun this one night"

Jimin yelled over the blasting club music, this wasn't the plan we aren't supposed to be here, I didn't say anything to him I just stood there with his drink in my hand

I didn't want to be here I want to be at home in my footie pajamas watching movies like we planned, but no he wanted to go out since 'it's been forever'

Maybe I did need to loosen up though, work has really been a pain lately with this case I have so a day to myself should make me feel better

A reluctant sigh left my lips and I drank the sweet yet bitter alcoholic beverage from Jimin's cup, I could see him smile in the corner of my eye while signaling he was running off to get more drinks

I deserve to get messed up and have some fun but there was one more thing stopping me from fully having fun more alcohol

A few minutes had passed and Jimin had finally came back with our drinks, we pushed our cups together before downing both of our cups in one go

"Oh god"

My face scrunches as the burn of, what I'm assuming is vodka, runs down my throat a tipsy Jimin just looks at me for a moment then dips off into the crowd

'Oh no' I say to myself as I try to look for him through what little of the crowd I could see 'fuck he left me'

A sigh leaves my lips as I step back to get into a less crowded space only to feel a hand grip my waist

"Well aren't you gorgeous"

The familiar deep voice says in my ear causing my face to heat up while I turn around to see my boyfriend Taehyung

Even under the dull club lights I could still make out his facial features perfectly, with that being said I could see the slight smirk on his face

"You told me you were staying in tonight and watching movies....so why are you here?"

His hand gripped my chin to keep our eyes locked, my mouth opened up to give him the truthful answer but nothing came out

Taehyung knew I would never come here if I wasn't dragged here so I should be ok, with that in mind I just closed my mouth and looked down at his lips

"I advise you to answer me before I think you lied to me"

His voice went deeper almost a growl as he spoke while sliding his hand from my waist to my ass so he could pull me closer

My face turned a dark red, I essentially got caught in a lie but it wasn't my fault so why do I feel like I did something so bad

"J-Jimin wanted to come and-and he said that once we leave we could go back for the movie but he...he just left me"

I say while looking away from his eyes, I felt guilty even though I know I didn't do anything

A hum rumbles from him before he grabs my hand and drags me through the crowd heading straight for the exit

The feeling of relief filled me as I was finally leaving out of the club, Taehyungs hand staying glued to mine as he walked us to his car

"Since he bailed on you let me take you back to my place for dinner and a movie?"

A smile formed on my face at the idea so I nodded earning a delightful hum as he opens the car door for me, I get in and say a quick thank you

He gets in shortly after then starts up the car before pulling out of the busy nightclub parking lot

His hand gripped my thigh tightly as he drove us to his house which caused a certain heat to rise up in my stomach, it's been weeks since we've done anything cause he's been away on business

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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