*My Former Bully*

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Request by kookv4eva really hope you enjoy there will be an alternate story to this one which will be pretty much the same concept but very different
(There is some slight Vmin in here so you've been warned)
Taehyung POV
One beautiful day is all I ever ask for one day without me getting beat down by the guy I have the hots for one day to just chill out and be a good student without having to go to the nurse every hour

A loud wince leaves my lips as I was pushed onto the ground by my very attractive bully named Jeon Jungkook he closes the door to the locker room then looks at me with a small smirk

"So Kim I asked you nicely for fifty dollars but you say you forgot it at home you know what I'm about to do to you right?"

Jungkook asks while popping his knuckles I gulp then mentally prepare myself for my beating only to be pulled up off of the ground and kissed roughly causing me to instantly kiss back

He might be my bully but he's really cute not to mention he gives off this daddy vibe that I absolutely love, his tongue slipped past my lips along with his hands groping at my body

"You know I'm only doing this because I'm bored right Kim, You. Mean. Absolutely. Nothing. To. Me"

His words caused me to tear up and before I knew it fat tears were rolling down my cheeks causing him to laugh along with some other people since the locker room was now open revealing some of his friends

I quickly gather my things then push past Jungkook only to be tripped causing my shirt to get caught on one of the locker room benches making it rip open revealing my upper half

"Guys look at the fat bear!"

Hyuna shouts while pointing at me causing me to scatter out of the locker room as they take pictures of me I run to the nurses office to see one of the only people in this school who actually cares for me

"Mrs. Wang"

I cry she opens her arms for me so I run into them then hug her tightly while sobbing she lets out a light sigh then walks me over to the big chair behind her desk so she could get me a change of clothes

"Taehyung honey this is the fourth time this has happened to you today do you want me to send you home with a note?"

Mrs. Wang asks me but I shake my head because my parents would be overly worried about me and I don't need them to worry about me they already do so much for me

With a sigh she gives me a new shirt then sends me to her private bathroom so I could change, as soon I walked into the bathroom I got a look at my body and I absolutely hated it

I was super chubby because my grandma gives me very good food and I can't get enough of it I've thought about cutting back alot but I never really could considering its way to good

I hated my body....I hated my face because of all the acne I had....I hate my glasses because they don't make my bullying better....I hate myself because everyone else does

With a painful sigh I wipe away the tears that were forming in my eyes, self hatred is one of the worst feelings in the world so I'm always told I should love myself but....I just couldn't

After putting on the shirt I thought it would be better for me to go home after all so I asked Mrs. Wang to give me the note then I called my older brother Yoongi who's in college he didn't have many classes today so picking me up wouldn't be a problem

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