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This chapter will be a special one because this one talks about Felix and his vacation to Paris. Also to add things up a little I did a little crossover. And it will be the show supernatural. It just sucks that it ends but moving on I will still re watch the show again and again back to back with teen wolf. This one is where Dean and Sam already met Castiel. So enjoy reading this chapter.

Italic- Speaking in Parisian French

At Carrington's Flat

Felix's POV

I've been in Paris for a month all what he did was train, read, and understand anything from the book, but no such luck it seems my parents really makes it hard for the others not to interfere with the journal that they did. If there is a way that I can decipher this whole book, Fallon also makes me to be one of her friend's model for a Fashion runway coming up. Plus I cannot let Fallon or Steven see this, it will make them curious and moreover question me on what is it or rather burn it since they also can't read it.

I walk to the fire place and then I hear I knock on the door that must be Fallon. I immediately get through the door and opens it. "Hi there Felix I'm just checking up on you" Fallon says to me as I see her then I let her in and closes the door. As she sits a pour a glass of champagne in the goblet and give it to her. "Thank you" She tells me then I sit in front of her. "What's up Fallon you really go to other people without Steven is kinda wierd?" I ask to her and she gulped she bring down the champagne. "Well your right Steven and I are not in the good terms right now, because I yell at him and call him an easy target for the gold diggers in town." She says to me then I'm not that surprised.

"Fallon it's not your fault your just looking out for Steven" I said to her and she just pour another champagne in her glass "So where is your mother by the way?" I ask her and she just look down then lool at me again with a serious face "She left me when I was in sophomore year or should I says she abandoned us" she says to me and I know the feeling of that partly "Let me guess Blake has something to do with it" I said to her and she just nods "Yeah he says to me that she is the monster in our family and lie on everything" She says to me and then I stand up and sit next to her.

I put my arms around her and she leans in my shoulder. "Everything will be alright okay" I said to her "I'm just so sick of people around me are trying to push me away because all I can do is being a selfish person" She says to me and I patted her head "Hey hey hey, you are not selfish okay your just being real sometimes but you care Fallom you always will" I said to her and she started to tear up then after 10 minutes of crying someone knock on the door and it was Steven. I let him in and the two hugged each other and then they make me join in their hug.

"I'm sorry Fallon I should've trusted you about Mike" Steven days to him and I smile "Yeah you do" I say to him as I wiping Fallon's tears. "What happend to him anyways?" I ask him and he just exhales "Well I found out that he was targeting me so I made a few contacts to Culhane and found out that he wants money for drugs so me being the easy target I fall for him" he says to us "Don't worry Culhane is good in this things he knows what to do" Fallon says to him "Okay I do love hugs but we had a party to catch up on" I said to then and then both chuckle "You're starting to be one of us, so from here I'm gonna say the only person that you can only count for is you and us okay" Fallon says to me and I hugged her back we dress up and I wear a fancy suit that both Fallon and Steven pick out for I put the book on the pocket inside my suit. And as I walk down they both look so good with their formal wear. We headed outside Steven got a text from Culhane that Mike is now is now in jail. Our ride came and we hop in

French Chateau Party

As I'm at the entrance I hear buzzling sound of music and fancy people chattering. "I've been here every year but this never gets old" Steven says to me with a smile on his face "Yeah they know how to throw a party" I said to him. "Okay now that we are here I'm gonna go and check up on my friend Lizzy so I can know what is the progress in the fashion week" Fallon says to us and we both nod. "Wanna go up to the bar?" Steven ask me "You don't have to ask" I said to him then as the party goes I met some friends of Steven and Fallon. After a while the three of us are having fun then as we are drinking I see guys checking us out.

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