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Felix POV

Yesterday was a fiasco ugh... I have to get up and go to school.

I dressed up and take my glasses I head to the kitchen and eat some cereal and went out to the house...

My uncle have to go to work early. Due to some supernatural phenomena that is happening.

As I walk a car stops on my side. As the window of the car go down I see Allison "Get in" I do what she says "Thanks" I say to her "Is there something wrong?" She says as she stops the car for a second "Nothing is wrong Ally" I said "Ally?" Allison ask "Yeah that is your new nickname" I said then she nods then she just look at me suspiciously

I give up

"Fine Scott, Stiles and I had a fight but don't worry about it give us some space then we will might forget these" I said after I sigh. "Okay looks like you are going to be okay." She says and smile "I have a question?" She said "Yeah?" I answered "Why dont you have a car? I'm mean you always walk to school." She said. "I'm still saving money for it" I respond to her question "Huh?" She is still confused "As you can see Ally I dont want my uncle bought me things, what I want is me to get them" I said to her she just nod.

Time skip

As we walk to school I can see Scott and Stiles they are looking for someone. Must be Allison. But I have to get to class, I dont wanna be late now am I?

I quickly put all some stuff at my locker aswell as I close it I saw the a person that's the source of the fiasco.

"Hi" Stiles said I look at him for a moment then leaves. "Can I talk to you please? I'm am really sorry from what I said on the other night" He pleaded as he grab my arm "Stiles" I said in monotone "Yeah?" He ask with a little smile "Let go off my arm" I also said in monotone voice and he did what I said. I am about to leave Stiles, Scott appears in front of me only few inches way from my face "Have you seen Allison?" He ask he is really an oblivious person isn't he? Stiles just face palmed "Hi Scott" I said then I am about to go then I see Allison "Hey Ally I'm going to class right now see you there" I said to the brunette "Okay" Then ofcourse Stiles follow me.

"Will you stop following me?" I ask "Please forgive me" He said I release a big sigh "I always forgive the two of you but you must know there is a line between forgiveness and friendship" I said then he nod. "So what up with Scott?"I ask "He just see himself hurting Allison back at the school bus and now there is a blood on the bus as well as the police officers, so you can say he is freaking out as hell" Stiles said

"De ja vu" I said to him "Not really he seems like he see it on the past rather than the future" He said make sense "Ready for Harris' class?" I ask him "Like I do have a choice" He said I chuckle

As we went to the class I sit in front of Danny "Hey you okay?" He ask I nod as a response then the principal starts saying some announcement

Attention, students this is your principal. I know you're wonder about the incident that occur last at one of our buses. While the police work to determined what happened, classes will proceed to schedule

Then Mr. Harris decided to speak up on my actions.

"Its nice to see you in a very different position now Mr. Deaton did you change your glasses temporarily" he said about my glasses

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