Photographic Memories

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    "Oh, hello Korea." UIP looked up from the book that he was reading. "You're back. And you brought Y/N?" He gave a curious glance at the human girl.

    Y/N dipped her head nervously, giving the Soviet republic a small smile.

    "She wants to be here." Korea sat on one of the chairs, and Y/N took the other.

    "I will be out here if you need me," CCCP said, sliding the door shut.

    Y/N had asked (stubbornly demanded) Korea to take her with him to talk with UIP. Despite the slight fear of the republic that she still harboured, she wanted to be a part of whatever the healing process was.

    "Do you need any new books?" Korea asked UIP, leaning over slightly to look at the page.

    With a little jolt, Y/N noticed the familiarity with which he did this. Had Korea actually... been becoming friends with UIP over the last couple days?

    "I'm fine." The Soviet republic smiled sadly at his book. "I am shocked enough that you have books in Arabic and Hebrew, but my knowledge of them comes and goes." He winced, putting a hand to his rectangular head, and setting the book aside. His voice turned to its whiner tone. "I hate this."

    Korea leaned defensively towards Y/N. "I'll put you down if you try anything."

    Okay- maybe 'friends' was a strong word.

    UIP grimaced. "I'm not dumb- I'm not going to try that again. Yet," he muttered, earning Korea's glare.

    "Are your memories coming back at all?" Y/N asked.

    "Oh yes." The Countryhuman's voice was sarcastic. "I have plenty of time to think, locked away in here."

    "Maybe if you didn't try to stab my province, you wouldn't be," Korea sighed. "It's not like I want to have someone as a prisoner in our house."

    "I am sorry about that, by the way." Palestine's voice returned as he looked at Y/N.

    Y/N quickly waved her hands in a 'stop' gesture, then ceased when Korea looked at her.

    "For what?" he asked suspiciously.

    "For almost stabbing her friend in front of her," UIP quickly recovered, getting the message. Korea still didn't know that the republic had almost killed Y/N, too.

    "Hm." The Countryhuman hummed suspiciously. "Whatever. Let's get this over with."

    Y/N watched inquisitively as UIP took in a deep breath, placing his hands palm-to-palm, shutting his eyes. Korea mimicked him, minus the eyes.

    "Close your eyes. Or eye," UIP said without opening his.

    The Korean huffed, but shut his visible eye.

    "Are you going to... meditate?" Y/N asked.

    Korea heard the smile in her voice, and snapped open his eyes. "Don't you dare say anything."

    "I wasn't going to." Y/N struggled to keep a neutral face, only letting her lips turn up when UIP once more asked Korea to close his eyes again.

    "I suggested praying, but he refuses," UIP told Y/N, before beginning his guidances. "Clear your mind as you breath. Focus on the part of your mind that you want to keep open, and lock the other part away." His voice turned high as he hissed in Hebrew, "You can't lock me away, choper."

    Y/N glanced nervously at Korea, but his face was smooth.

    'I guess he's really not as torn as UIP.' She watched the Israeli-Palestinian as a storm of emotions crossed his face. Protectively, Y/N leaned closer to Korea, who was probably feeling on edge at having his eyes closed near danger.

Warring Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum