Punching Walls

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   "Oh, Nipponia," Y/N said in surprise. "Where are you going?"

    She had run into the Countryhuman coming out of the washroom. The cat-girl was dressed in her olive green military uniform and cap, her white ears sticking out of holes in the top. There was an intense look in her eyes.

    "I'm going to overthrow Indonesia and Philippines. Chichi says it's time." She adjusted her military belt- there was a hand-held pistol on it, and a long sword slung over her back.

     Y/N's eyes widened. "Are you... going to be okay?"

    As fierce as Nipponia could be, she was still very short, and the girl found it hard to picture her charging into battle.

    "Hai." She nodded, voice clipped. "My military is much more powerful than theirs. And their guerilla fighters fight well. They have nothing to lose in the Philippines."

     "Should I... tell North that you're going?" Y/N asked, feeling useless.

    Nipponia nodded. "Please. It would save me the time of hunting him down." She sighed, voice returning to its usual, more energetic tone. "I'm probably going to take a week or so. I'm going to miss baths."

   She paused, face lighting up as she scanned Y/N's body. "You're wearing the shirt I picked out for you!"

   "Yeah." Y/N looked down at her yellow top, smiling. "You were right- it looks good on me."

    "Super cute." Nipponia nodded. "And I'm always right about everything."

    There was a glowing light of joy in the cat-girl's eyes that changed to surprise when Y/N hugged her.

    "Eh? What's this, all of a sudden?" The republic hugged her back, even so.

   Y/N let go, a little embarrassed. "Sorry. I just... Be safe."

    Nipponia's eyes narrowed in delight, and she grinned. "Hae-chan hugged me earlier, too. It is so much nicer having supportive friends on my side in a war. You're nothing like Reich and Italy."

   Y/N felt a little jump at the familiar way that the country referred to the two old countries, and was hit with the realisation that Nipponia's past self had lived through World War Two. It was hard to reconcile this cheery cat-girl with the country that had enslaved North and most of Asia.

   "T-Thank you...?" She guessed that it was a good thing that she wasn't anything like... Nazi Germany?

    Nipponia smiled. "I've got to find Russia and Chichi, then I'm heading out." She started to skip down the hallway, katana rattling. "I'll be back in a week," she called, hopping in the elevator.

    Y/N sighed, glad that North didn't have to leave the country.

     'But when he fights South-' She cut her train of thought off. North was still putting it off, ignoring his provinces' pestering to launch an offensive on his brother's half of the country.

    Y/N took a long bath, enjoying the warm water, letting it relax her knotted muscles. North had cut the heating in the high-rise, to preserve energy for the war efforts and food production, and it could get pretty cold as winter rolled in.

    Once the water started to cool down, she sighed, reluctantly getting out. In the past she had been used to cold baths- without enough money to pay the heating bill back in Detroit, their pipes would freeze, and Y/N would have to 'borrow' their neighbour's hose.

     She was spoiled now, though, and unable to sit in an ice-bath for too long.

    Gathering her clothes up, and getting re-dressed in her yellow top, and (F/C) skirt, she started down the hall, then stopped, hearing voices.

Warring Pyongyang // Reader x CountryhumansOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz