Love, Pyongyang

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    "Why do I have to host this stupid party?" Korea grumbled, hustling across the lobby with a tray of glass pitchers full of various coloured liquids.

    Despite his complaining, the United Autonomous Korean Soviet Socialist Republic had been fussing all day over every little detail, even kicking Y/N and SH out of the kitchen when their cooking proved to be sub-par to the hired chefs.

    The warm chatter of different tongues filled the air already. Most of the Countryhumans had arrived early, eager to learn more about Korea, as had many of their people once the borders had been opened with the dissolution of the UN and its Security Council Resolutions. A surprising amount of North Koreans had stayed in the UAKSSR, either coming home after a trip abroad, or not leaving at all.

    "How does he expect me to fit everyone in here?" he complained as Y/N walked with him to the dining hall. Extra cushions had been added everywhere, along with small tables, bigger ones moved into the lobby to seat more countries and republics.

    "Who all is coming?" Y/N asked, setting her own tray of multi-national appetisers down next to the drinks. She waved to UIP and Kangwon, holding hands next to Turkmenistan and Transnistria. They waved back happily.

    "Who isn't coming?" Korea growled, hurrying away again.

    After Our War, CCCP had made the decision to host parties on the anniversary of Our Day of Victory, rotating the host republic through his children every year. Last year had been Belarus, before that, Nipponia, and the first one had been Russia's to hold. Korea finally couldn't put it off anymore, grudgingly accepting the role as host at the previous Council For Democracy.

    "Korea!" SH yelled from the door. "They're here."

    "Oh no," Hae groaned, before Russia burst through the door, heading straight to her, lifting the little province in a massive bear hug.

    "Little Hae!" he roared, squeezing her tight.

    "Are ya drunk already?" the province demanded.

    "Нет, нет," the Slav laughed. "It has just been too many weeks since I last saw you."

    "You brought Kuril!" Y/N exclaimed in delight.

    The island oblast/prefecture looked out shyly from behind Nipponia, waving.

    "Of course." Nipponia grinned. "Now go find Krim, I want to eat mochi without being judged. There's mochi here, right?" Y/N nodded and the cat-girl pumped her fist in the air. "Yes!" She shoved her daughter away.

    Kuril was hesitant at first, but smiled when she saw Krim emerge from the dining hall, shouting excitedly, running over to her. Russia and Nipponia followed, greeting Hwang and Germany loudly. Y/N knew from experience that the latter two would only stick around for so long, before retreating to the library to discuss philosophy and literature.

    "I apologise for those two." CCCP strolled through the door, and Hae ran to him, leaping into his arms in a hug much more enthusiastic than she had given Russia. "Привет, Comrade Hae. By the way, son, I believe that China and his Bloc were right behind me."

    "Of course they were," Korea sighed, giving CCCP a side-hug, while Hae enthusiastically greeted Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. "That must be him."

    A state car had pulled up, and sure enough, China got out of the back seat, accompanied by several of his 'economic alliance.' Somalia, Angola, Madagascar, and Venezuela. While CCCP had swayed most of the European countries to become his republics, China had focused on the African and South American countries.

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