
Start from the beginning

"He didn't ask you Y/n!" Mr. Joestar said, making you stick your tongue out at him. He returned it just as sassily. "But we won't be. The pilots aren't stand users, so us being with them would just be putting them in danger."

"Then why is it here?" Kakyoin said, plucking you by the waist as Avdol grabbed Polnareff before you could choke him out.

"They've brought us a helper," Mr. Joestar said, making you, Polnareff, Kakyoin and Jotaro gasp in surprise.

"A helper?" Polnareff repeated. He then pointed to you. "Isn't that enough?"

"That?!" You snapped. "Oh I know you did not just refer to me as a thing! I-"

"While Y/n is very helpful," Mr. Joestar sighed. "We need all the help we can get to defeat Dio. But I should warn you all. This helper has a few....personality issues."

"Mr. Joestar!" Avdol exclaimed. "It's impossible for him to go on this trip! There's no way for him to be helpful!" By the way he was acting, you assumed that Avdol knew whoever this person was.

"Hold on a second. If this person is going to help, then they must be a stand user right?" You asked, straightening your skirt. Avdol nodded beside you.

"He's the stand user that suggests the Fool Card." Mr. Joestar explained.

"The Fool?" Polnareff scoffed. "That guys sounds like an idiot! Do we even need his help?"

"Be nice Polnareff. We didn't need you either but you tagged along anyways." You said, glaring at him in the corner of your eye. His mouth opened like he was going to say something but he closed it and pouted.

"Just be lucky that he isn't our enemy. You wouldn't be able to defeat him." Avdol says.

"He must be a little powerful at least, right?" You asked. Avdol nodded before walking with Mr. Joestar to talk with the Speedwagon workers. You placed your hands on your hips as you watched them open the door. There was a small basket with a blanket covering it on the seat. You saw something stir within, and as you reached out to the person beside you to see if they saw it as well, a shock went through you.

The image of Kakyoin flashed across your mind. He was laying in the ground, eyes closed with two long gashes on both of his eyes. Blood was dribbling down his face, and Polnareff was in the midst of trying to grab him.

"Why is Atlanis out?" Jotaro's voice snapped you back into reality as you pulled your hand away from Kakyoin. It happened again. You jumped as Kakyoin put his hand in your shoulder.


"Don't leave my side Kakyoin." You said, cutting him off. "Don't move away from me."

"What? Why?" He asked, frowning in concern.

"Trust me." You said, flicking your hardened gaze to him. His soft purple eyes searched your face, eyebrows knitting together at the anxious look on your face. "Please."

He hesitated before nodding. Your hand slipped through his and laced your fingers together. There was no way you were gonna let him get hurt.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Polnareff said, walking towards the helicopter. "There's nothing there! Or is he just really short? Hey! Get your ass out here!" He slapped the seat next to the basket.

"Be careful!" One of the crewman yelled. "The ride was rough so he isn't very happy!"

"Didn't I tell you he had personality issues?!" Mr. Joestar yelled. Polnareff rolled his eyes before grabbing the blanket and yanking it from the basket. Immediately, a black and white blur jumped from the basket and landed on Polnareff's face and began tearing his hair out.

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