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"Y/n's right. We should resurface and face the stand user above ground." Avdol said. "Without any knowledge of what the stand could be, we don't stand a chance. Especially with water pouring in."

"Cmon." Mr. Joestar said. "There's a room with scuba gear back here."

"Im going to have a heart attack before we get to Egypt," You mumbled.

"Im sure it-"

"Kakyoin if you value any of your fingers I suggest you do not finish that sentence." You said as you arrived back in the room. He allowed you to take your arm back as you leaned against the wall. "And just so all of you know, I will never be getting in one of these things again."

The phone rang again, but before Joseph could answer it, Jotaro picked it up. Kakyoin gently grabbed your arm. "Cmon. Those two will catch up." You nodded and used Kakyoin as support.

"Are you sure you can even do this?" Polnareff asked you. "Can't you just pop to the surface using your stand?"

"I can only go where I've been before, and its only in a fifty meter radius." You said. "And I'll be fine. As long as no bigass scary creature comes at me while we're out, I should be fine." What you said wasn't only to reassure the others, but yourself as well. Once the gear was found, you were helping assemble it all. You helped Polnareff and Avdol before Kakyoin scolded you for not doing yourself. The amount of water in the room was frightening, and the pace that it was rising at gave you severe anxiety. To say that you weren't scared would be a fat lie.

Soon Jotaro and Mr. Joestar arrived back in the room and as you were strapping the oxygen tank to Jotaro, something weird happened again. The image of a mouth closing around you flashed across your vision. Your eyes widened.

"Has anyone scuba dived before?" Mr. Joestar asked. Everyone shook their heads. As he began explaining it, Jotaro spun you around so your back was facing him. You felt a few tugs and realized he must have been making sure your gear was tight. "Since we'll be underwater, we'll use hand signals to communicate with each other."

"Mr. Joestar," You said. "Can't we just use our stands to talk underwater?"

"Oh. Yeah. I guess I forgot about that." He said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Awww man!" Polnareff whined. "I have a really good hand message too!" He claps his hands together, holds up a peace sign, then an okay sign and then raised his hands over his eyes.

"Your underwear is showing," You and Kakyoin said in unison. You looked at each other and smiled.

"Yeah!" Polnareff yelled excitedly. You were laughing as Kakyoin and Polnareff did their handshake.

"Alright you three! Stop messing around and lets get going!" Mr. Joestar scolded. After putting your regulators and goggles on, everyone gave to okay to go.

"Mr. Joestar," You said. "I think we should go to the left a little when we come up."

"Why?" He asked.

"Just please trust me." You begged. He nodded.

As you were about to leave Polnareff discovered his faulty regulator that actually turned out to be the stand and it tried to jump down his throat. Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin used their stands to remove it. After it was removed, it quickly shifted into a spear gun and pointed at you. As it shot out, Atlantis formed in front of you. Your eyes widened when he stopped the spear with one hand. Mr. Joestar quickly unlatched the door and everyone began swimming out. You noticed that Polnareff was choking and stopped. You took a deep breath before you shoved your regulator in his mouth.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing?!" Jotaro yelled using Star Platinum.

"Relax. I can hold my breath for a long time. I used to do it in the hospital all the time." You said.

"Take it back when you need it, got it?" Polnareff said, pointing a stern finger at you. You nodded as you began your swim to the surface. What you didn't tell them was that you were already lightheaded. Your vision was blurring, but you tried your best to ignore the effects of the poison. Once you broke through the surface, Jotaro and Kakyoin grabbed you and practically drug you to shore.

"Are you alright Y/n?" Kakyoin asked worriedly, putting his hand on your cheek.

"Yeah. Im fine," You said standing up and shedding your gear. "Lets just find that stand user." As everyone was looking around, you couldn't help but notice a woman standing off to the side. That has to be her! You started walking towards her, only to be stopped by a wall. You were confused at first before you realized that she must be using her stand in you. She trapped you in some kind of box.

"What the hell?!" You yelled, pounding your fist against the glass.

"Don't even try that sweetheart," The woman said, placing a hand on her hip. "That's a special type of glass. Nothing in this world is able to shatter it." It only took a few seconds for the others to notice your situation.

"Y/n!" Polareff called. All of them started banging on the glass but after realizing that it was no use they stopped. However Jotaro kept trying. His knuckles were already bleeding and it took Kakyoin pulling him off for him to stop.

You weren't able to mask the effects of the poison anymore and slid down one of the walls. "Looks like you finally stopped fighting it!" She called.

"Y/n!" Jotaro yelled, using Star Platinum to hit the glass. His eyes widened when nothing happened.

"I'm fine!" You yelled, grunting as you pushed yourself back up. Your vision was unfocused and you were panting slightly.

"You should really should stop flirting with him Y/n," The woman, who introduced herself as Rose said. "Im a little sad that Dio isn't interested in me, but Jotaro there is just my type." Your eyes widened.

"Shut the fuck up bitch," Jotaro snapped.

Rose giggled. "Oh I love it when guys play hard to get~."

"Let Y/n go!" Kakyoin yelled, pulling Heirophant out.

"Oh don't worry babe," Rose purred. "Don't think I was going to leave you out of this either. Redheads are a rare type."

Jealousy filled you as Rose flirted with Jotaro and Kakyoin. Rage bubbled up inside of you, and you glared up at her. Just what the hell did she think she was doing?

"Oh don't look so concerned towards that bitch in there," Rose said. "Your focus should be on me."

A sudden cracking nose made everyone turn to the box. Atlantis was out as and he removed his fist away from the glass, showing the cracks in the glass box.

"Actually," You snarled. "Your focus should be on me." Atlantis let out a steady cry as he slammed his fist against the glass. Everyone watched as the cracks spread out across further until the box shattered.

"Holy shit!" Mr. Joestar yelled. "Not even Star Platinum could crack that glass! And Atlantis shattered it in two hits!"

"W-what the fuck?!" Rose shouted. You stepped from the box as Atlantis flickered. "Dio was r-right! You're the most powerful!"

"Yep." You said, turning your head and spitting blood from your mouth. "And you should have thought about that before fucking around with me."

Altantis flashed behind her and grabbed her shoulders. She went rigid as his eyes glowed. "W-what the h-hell is happening!?" She yelled. "I-I can't m-move!"

You began to sway and Kakyoin, who was the closest, grabbed you before you hit the ground. Atlantis drifted away and he was replaced by Star Platinum who began his attack. Kakyoin knelt down with you in his arms, carefully picking you up as your head rolled over his arm.

You were out.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑂𝑓 𝐴 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟 ★ 𝐽𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑜 𝑋 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑋 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑦𝑜𝑖𝑛Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang