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The next things happened to you in a blur and you now found yourself standing in a beautiful garden while the two men fought. Mr. Joestar said something, but you weren't paying attention. It was like you had spaced out. You snapped back to reality when you were yanked to the ground. You landed behind a rock, looking at Jotaro. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He snapped. You blinked at him. You turned your head away and looked at your feet. 

This stand was messing with you. You had to figure out a way to destroy it. Was it even you? Is that why they had freaked out over the cut on your neck? Could it be that the stand had slipped into the cut and entered your body causing you to feel the way you had been? The thought of an enemy stand in your body made you shudder and put your hand to your neck. 
You shook your head. Your problems shouldn't affect the others. They had their own things to worry about and shouldn't fuss over you. Which brought you back into reality. A loud cry and the shaking of the ground had you popping your head over the rock to peek at the battle. 

"Crossfire Hurricane!" Avdol called out. His flames formed into an Egyptian figure and were sent straight towards the Frenchman. 

"You're gonna get hit, idiot." Jotaro pulled you back down and you glared at him, moving a strand of your, h/c hair behind your ear. 

Am not, you thought. The sound of a pained yell had all of your heads popping back over the rock you took cover behind. 

"Oh no!" Mr. Joestar cried. "The flames from Magicians Red are so hot, they're also burning Avdol!"

Polnareff, you remember his name now, laughed as he put a finger up to the side of his head. "It was just as I predicted! Killed by your own flames!" The burning stand launched itself at the Frenchman. "My oh my! You still are going to come after me?" Silver Chariot raised it's sword up in defensive, slicing at the burning stand with swiftness. You cringed and turned your head, and looked up when you felt a gentle hand on your head. You flicked your eyes up as Kakyoin brought you closer. You complied, resting your head on his chest as he placed a hand on your waist. You felt your cheeks warm up. 

"What is this resistance!?" Out of curiosity, you turned your head to see the battle. Silver Chariot was suddenly surrounded by flames as Polnareff called out in disbelief, asking how that was possible. A loud crash came from behind him as if something had been shattered. 

"It wasn't the stand! It was the statue!" Mr. Joestar called out. 

*skipping the rest of the battle because I'm lazy :P*

The man laid on the ground as Jotaro removed the flesh bud that Dio had placed into his brain. Mr. Joestar was currently clinging to you as he writhed in disgust. 

"Those tentacles as so disgusting. Hurry up and kill it Jotaro! Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!" He said as you slipped from his grasp and instead, stood beside Kakyoin. 

"Yare yare daze! Shut up, Old Man!" Jotaro called as Star Platinum pulled it out completely and allowed the sun to destroy it. 

"Great! Now that the flesh bud is gone, we can become buddies! Get it?" Mr. Joestar laughed and looked to his grandson who shook his head. 

"Kakyoin, Y/n, don't guys like him who make stupid puns piss you off too?" He mumbled. Kakyoin laughed as you smiled and shook your head. As the five of you started from the garden, Jotaro grabbed your arm and stopped you. After noticing the two of you weren't following, Mr. Joestar halted the others and they watched you two. 

You raised an eyebrow at your friend. "Your throat hurts. You've been ignoring it because you don't want to bother anyone. It's easy to see the pain in your eyes." Jotaro said. Your eyes slightly widened as you tried to pull your wrist away. "Open your mouth." You shook your head, moving your head away. "Yare yare.."

He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. He squeezed your jaw, forcing your mouth open while he held onto both of your wrists with his other hand. His eyes widened. Your throat was scratched up and had the black goop coating it. It moved in your throat, producing spikes to jab at the walls. He saw your arm flicker and knew you were about to teleport away from him. 

Your entire body tensed up and your eyes widened, even more, when you felt his lips press against yours. 

You slowly relaxed as Jotaro let go of your wrists and instead put his hands on your waist. You felt your face heat up drastically as he deepened your kiss, tilting his head slightly. Your eyes fluttered shut and you put a hand on Jotaro's chest. What was this feeling in your stomach? Why was your heart beating so fast? Then, the pain happened. Your body jolted as Jotaro pulled away quickly, his stand showing beside him as he wrestled the black liquid around.

He pulled the stand from your throat.

By kissing you.

Your face turned a dark red as you shoved him away from you, falling to your knees and coughing up blood. Your throat was scratchy, but it felt so much better. Jotaro knelt beside you as the others ran to you, Mr. Joestar using Hamon Overdrive to completely destroy the stand. You buried your face into your hands.

Jotaro kissed you. He kissed you! Your heart was pounding against your chest and your stomach fluttered. But he only kissed you to get the stand out of you. It wasn't really a kiss. It was just a method to help you.

"Y/n," You curled further into your hands as he called your name. You felt a small pang in your chest. He grabbed your wrists, trying to pry your hands away from your face. Your image glitched and he swore under his breath before you appeared again, this time a few meters away from him. 

You tried to stand, only for your knees to buckle and you feel back down. Jotaro called out to you again, this time grabbing you before you could glitch again. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes!" You squealed, trying to hide your face. You heard him turn before retreating footsteps.

"Look at me," He said. You stayed with your hands over your face. "Please," You uncovered your face out of surprise. "Why are you crying?" A look of panic washed over his face as he held your cheeks.

"W-wh-why'd you k-kiss me?" You squeaked.

"..I don't know." He said quietly, pushing your hair away from your eyes. His eyes met your wide ones, pupils blown wide and watery. "You're so cute.." He leaned forward and his lips met your once again. You panicked.

Did you kiss back? Do you shove him away? Shakily, your hand reached up and you grabbed his jacket, lips moving against his. Your face was burning as you made out with your childhood friend. His hands gripped your waist tightly as you pulled away, gazing into his eyes. In the sunlight, they looked more green than blue. The colors swirled together to make the perfect hue.

"Do you like me?" You asked quickly. "Or are you kissing me because you need a release?"

"What the hell does that mean?" He asked, slightly squeezing your hips.

"Do you actually like me, Jotaro?"

"I...I..don't know." He mumbled.

"O-oh." You slipped from his arms, much to his dismay. "We....we should catch up with the others." You turned your back to him and walked away, leaving him standing there alone. 

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