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"Well what do we do?" You asked. "Do we look for it? Or do we go back to let the others know?" Kakyoin shook his head.

"It'd be better if the two of us looked for it by ourselves. We shouldn't bother the others if we don't absolutely have to. Besides, we can do this together, right?" He asked, a grin spreading over his face.

"Right," You said, a grin also on your face. "It shouldn't be too hard."

"Our best bet would try to find the stand user if we can," Kakyoin said. "It would be easier to do that instead of trying to find the stand."

"True, but where do we start? I mean, the stand user could be anyone. No one looks out of place." You said, looking at him.

"They can't be too far away. My guess is they have a short range." Kakyoin explained.

"I bet they do," You said, crossing your arms. "They would had to have seen Atlantis touch their stand in order to move to the next object. That should narrow down who it could be."

"Someone in this car," He said, placing his hand on your lower back. "Let's sit down and wait for now. After all, we just can't accuse random people."

"Yeah," You nodded, allowing him to lead you to a booth and sit down across from each other. "So what do we do now? Just wait until they make a move?"

"Its all we can do. We have no way of telling who it is." He said. "I've already had Heirophant Green make a map of the car. His tail is stretched out across the floor so if our stand used decides to move, he'd have to step over my stand."

"That's smart," You mumbled, propping your chin on your hand. "Glad we have at least one person with brains with us," Kakyoin chuckled.

"Well your our bullshitter so I make up for it," You scoffed, shaking your head with a wide smile.

"You're something else," You said, running a hand through your tousled hair. Kakyoin was about to say something, but was cut off by a loud thump. Both of you looked at each other before peering your heads out of the booth. A man was laying on the ground in front of you, cursing loudly.

"Who the hell put this thing here?!" He shouted. Your eyes followed what he was talking about and saw Heirophant's tail. A grin spread over your face as the plan you two had laid out just ended.

The man was about to shout something else, but as he looked up at yours and Kakyoin's smug faces, his own face paled. He tried to scramble up, but you were faster and used Atlantis to pin him down.

"You're both idiots! Lord Dio will-"

"Save your breath for someone who actually cares, buddy," You said, leaning your head against your hand. "We're too tired to deal with long monologues. You wanna do the honors, Kakyoin?"

"Gladly," He said, standing up. Using Heirophant Green and some rope you found, you tied the man up in the coal room and left him to be found when you arrived in India.

When you both returned back to the car, Mr. Joestar was discussing something with the others, who were now awake and alert. They looked up as you and Kakyoin walked into the car.

"There you are! We were about to go search for you." Polnareff said.

"Oh really? Why is that?" Kakyoin asked, allowing you to take the window seat once more. He slid in beside you, making you smile.

"We've been tipped off by the SpeedWagon Foundation that a stand user might be tailing us. I want yo-"

"There isn't a need," You yawned, stretching your arms above your head, careful not to hit Kakyoin. "We already took care of him."

The others looked at you and Kakyoin in shock, making you smirk. Kakyoin chuckled and shook his head. "He's tied up in the coal room if you want to interrogate him."

"You two took care of him without a huge ruckus?" Polnareff said in disbelief.

"Not everyone has to be loud like you," You said. "There's this thing called a sneak attack."

"Neither of you are injured?" Avdol asked, to which you both shook your heads. "Well, you should try and get some sleep. It's still a long way to India."

"Especially you, Y/n," Mr. Joestar said. "You've been attacked twice."

"Not to mention you look like shit," Jotaro piped up.

"Oh put a sock in it," You rolled.your eyes. "Not everyone can look perfect twenty-four seven Mr. Ladies Man."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He growled.

"Oh nothing," You shrugged, slumping in your seat and kicking your legs up on the empty seat across from you.

"Y/n, if you'd like, you can lean on me. I don't mind, and it's probably better than the window," Kakyoin offered. Your cheeks turned pink and you smiled at his kind gesture.

"Thanks," You said, placing your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes.

It wasn't long before you fell asleep, Kakyoin also following suit. 


Hello my little bbs. This chapter has been the shortest so far, so I apologize for that.

Also, when I was looking up my own book (plz don't judge or ask) I saw that another book had the same cover so I decided to change the cover of mine. What do you guys think?

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