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Jotaro walked beside you as you two left for your house. It wasn't unusual that Holly invited you over to spend the night. It was something you had done since you were a little kid, even before you and Jotaro had become friends. Holly used to be your babysitter when your parents went on business trips. You would spend days at their house, helping Holly around the house and occasionally hanging out with Jotaro.

You remembered when you first saw him. Holly had asked you to put a book away in the library. When you walked inside, you met his ocean blue eyes. You two stared at each other for a minute until he realized that the shelf he was grasping broke and the books came tumbling down on him, causing him to fall from the stool. You had rushed to his side, moving books away, and asking if he was okay. 

"I'm Y/n L/n," You said, smiling brightly and causing his cheeks to turn light pink. "I'm sorry I distracted you. I should have knocked first," You rubbed the back of your neck after you helped him to his feet. 

"No, no it's okay!" He said, waving his arms in front of him for emphasis. "I should have been paying attention to what I was doing. I'm Jotaro Kujo."

You were brought back to reality when Jotaro grabbed your bag and yanked you from the street where a car came speeding past, honking at you.

"Watch where you're walking." He grumbled. 

"S-sorry," You shook your head as you crossed the street to your house. "I spaced out."

"No shit," Jotaro said sarcastically. 

"Didn't ask for the attitude," You hummed, putting your keys in your lock and opening the door.

Flipping the lights on, you kicked your shoes off as Jotaro said something as an insult but you ignored it, running up the stairs to your bedroom. You grabbed some clothing to sleep in and for the morning and stuffed them into your nearly empty backpack. 

When you came back downstairs, Jotaro was standing by your door, waiting on you. "Are you done yet?"

"Hush," You said, slipping your shoes back on and following him out.

"I need to stop by the school and get into my locker real quick," You said as Jotaro took your bag and swung it over his broad shoulder. "I was in a hurry to look for you and forgot my math textbook." 

"Whatever," He lit up a cigarette as you two walked to the school together. The sun was setting and the sky was darkening. You held onto Jotaro's arm as you both entered the school campus. You made your way into the empty halls, stopping at your locker. Jotaro dropped your bag beside you.

"I'll be back," You simply nodded and twisted the lock, putting your combination in. You tugged on the metal, frowning when it wouldn't open. 

"What the heck?" You mumbled, re-entering your combination and trying again.

Was it stuck? You tugged on the padlock, trying to force it open. You grunted as you put nearly all your strength into opening it. The hunk of metal gave in, opening and causing you to fall back as something seemed like it shoved you back. You fell on your butt, grunting as you did so. You looked up and your blood went cold. 

There was some type of black substance oozing from the locker and onto the floor. You scurried back, placing your back to the wall on the other side of the hall. You gasped as it moved closer to you. 

"J-Jotaro!" You called out, your voice echoing in the empty hallway. You pressed yourself up against the bricks as the goop formed into a spike. Your head tilted back as you watched the black substance place itself under your chin with wide, shaky eyes. You felt the point poke into your skin, causing a small amount of blood to dribble down. 

"Y/n!" The goop turned sharply like it was facing Jotaro who was running down the hall towards you. The spike slashed your neck, causing you to cry out in pain. The goop retracted from you, shifting into a figure in the middle of the hall. You pushed yourself up from the ground and made a move to dash towards your friend. The figure, who had now fully formed into a man, grabbed onto your shirt and yanked you back into his chest. His arm turned into a blade and he pressed it against your throat. 

Your eyes widened as you saw a ghost-like figure appear beside Jotaro. You remembered seeing it before. Jotaro used to use it in fights before while you were with him. It was his 'evil spirit' or so he called it. You were the only one who could see it, other than his mother, you learned. You stiffened against the man as Jotaro flicked his eyes to you for a split second. 

You didn't need much more of a look to trust that he would get you out of this situation. 

"Jotaro Kujo," The man behind him sneered. "Looks like I didn't have to wait until the morning after all!"

"What kind of sick creep are you?" You asked. You saw Jotaro's friend disappear quickly, his image flickering for a moment. "Hiding inside of a girl's locker to attack her?"

"Shut up wretch," He snarled, lightly cutting into your already wounded neck with his arm/blade. "I'm just using you to kill your boyfriend over there. I probably won't kill you." He brushed some of your hair away from your neck, and to your complete and utter horror, he smelled you. You reeled away in disgust. 

"Don't touch her," Jotaro growled, taking a step towards you. 

"Ah, ah, ah," Your nose crinkled up when he brushed his fingers across your cheek. "Not a step closer. Or your girlfriend here will be headless. After, of course, I have a little fun with her."

"Get off me, you sick bastard!" You yelled, your body glitching a few meters away from him. Jotaro's spirit friend appeared behind the man and started landing punches on him. You snatched your bag from the ground and started running. "Let's go, Jojo!" You grabbed his wrist and tugged him away. He grunted before allowing you to drag him out of the hallway, calling his friend back and leaving the man in a bloody mess. Your adrenaline was pumping through you, and you just wanted to get the hell away from that school as quickly as you could.

You only stopped when Jotaro yanked you back by your wrist, and into his sturdy chest. "Yare yare, calm down." He said. You shakily wrapped your arms around his waist, placing your forehead on his chest. You couldn't help the blush that crawled onto your cheeks, turning them a red color. "Are you alright?" His voice was so quiet that even though you were so close to him, you almost didn't hear him. You slowly nodded, pushing yourself away and patting your cheeks. 

"Let's just go back to your house." 

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑂𝑓 𝐴 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟 ★ 𝐽𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑜 𝑋 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑋 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑦𝑜𝑖𝑛Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang