Stardust Crusaders Incorrect Quotes (Pt. 3)

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Again, by popular demand, here is part three. This will more than likely be the last one. I'm procrastinating updating my dio x reader book lmao.

Also, please read the note at the end for a very important poll!

Avdol: I have gotten 8 hours of sleep minimum every night and I’m ready to face the day! Good morning world!

Kakyoin: I stay up till past midnight every night but that’s fine! I’m able to stay awake!

Jotaro: I’ve gotten 2 hours of sleep in the past five days and I can smell sounds please kill me

Y/n [stumbling in, pouring coffee grounds into her mouth, and then drinking the hot water]: what year is it



Jotaro [from across the room]: im not gonna catch you

Y/n: Trust. Fall

Jotaro: I said no-

Y/n: I’m falling!

Jotaro [diving across two tables to catch Y/n]: I hate you


Mr. Joestar: Im not mad, I just want to know why you two need a fake ID

Kakyoin: [Mumbles]

Mr. Joestar: What was that?

Y/n: need to be over 18 to hold the puppies at PetCo


Avdol: let's get personal. What's the hardest thing for you to say?

Jotaro: Im sorry

Y/n: I need help

Kakyoin: I was wrong

Polnareff: Worcestershire sauce


Mr. Joestar: Have children, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.



Y/n:’s called a fire extinguisher

[Glass shatters, something explodes, Kakyoin screams]

Mr. Joestar: don't listen to them. Don't.


Jotaro: look at my face

Kakyoin: okay?

Jotaro: no, no. keep looking

Kakyoin: I am looking!

Jotaro: no you're not. Look harder

Kakyoin: is there a point to this?

Jotaro: yes. So look as hard as you can. Focus on every part of my face

Kakyoin: alright! I am!!

Jotaro: now...does it look like I give a fuck?


Dio: [spins around in a chair ominously] I've been expecting y-

Dio: [chair continues to spin] shit

Dio: [tries to stop spinning] shit!

Dio: [tries to grab at lamp or table to stop spinning] shIT

Dio: [falls out of chair] SHIT


Jotaro: we need your help

Kakyoin: great, who we killing?

Y/n: I won’t do kids. That's a rule

Kakyoin: but that rule is negotiable if the kid’s a dick.


y/n: tell me about yourself

Kakyoin: I get jealous of my phone when it dies


Jotaro [very concerned]: I think you have PTSD

Y/n: yeah, I have PTSD. Proficient talent for sucking dick.

Kakyoin: I also think we need to talk about your use of humor as a coping mechanism

y/n: I don't think you understand how clever what I just said was


Polnareff: that's a pretty rock

y/n: jotaro gave it to me

Jotaro: I threw that at you

y/n: he's very sweet


Polnareff: im not totally useless

Polnareff: I can be used as a bad example


Kakyoin: uhh, did something awkward happen?

Kakyoin: I can probably relate


Jotaro: y/n I screwed up

y/n: Jojo, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific


Polnareff: hold up, when did you learn French, Monsieur L baguette

Y/n, in a french accent: oh as a bebe

Polnareff: oh, oiu!

Polnareff and y/n for the next two hours: oiu, oiu, oiu!


Kakyoin: if I don’t see you every day I will forget who you are. Im like a goldfish!

Y/n: …

y/n: ah yes my train of thought.

Y/n: or as I like to call it, the anxiety express


Y/n: ugh, I just want someone to take me out

Polnareff: like on a date or with a sniper?

Y/n:...surprise me


Jotaro: you're my kind of moose

y/n, trying not to laugh: its muse

Jotaro: I know, I just wanted to see you smile

Y/n: [inaudible crying]


Jotaro: im sorry

Kakyoin: oh...jotaro crying. I don't know what to do

Kakyoin: gently pats jotaro in the head

Kakyoin: this feels wrong.


Most of these were taken from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and I have no regrets.

Also, the poll.


This is so awkward for me to ask omg I though it would be easier

Should I write a smut scenario for jotaro and kakyoin?

[I just fucking realized this was part 69]

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑂𝑓 𝐴 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟 ★ 𝐽𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑜 𝑋 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑋 𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑦𝑜𝑖𝑛Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora