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You knew that you were going to have to do this by yourself. Jotaro and the others weren't around to help you this time. This battle was going to be fought by you and only you. Which means you had to use your brain and actually think instead of panicking and doing something stupid. You knew some of what your stand was able to do, and you knew what you had to do in order to win.

"What the hell does that mean?" The woman asked.

"You told me that your stand can't damage my internal organs." You said, grabbing the railing. "That means that you can damage my veins, blood vessels and arteries. You can also inflict damage to my exterior and bones. This just means I have to keep a good distance away from you." You hopped over the railing, landing on the ground below and stumbling to your feet before running towards the doors. You pushed them open and started running. However, you only got some far before you felt something slash against the back of your leg and you tumbled to the ground.

"Don't think that you can get away that easily, girl." The old woman said as she entered from the hotel. You pushed yourself up.

"I didn't. You're just stupid enough to believe it," You said. Atlantis formed beside you and let out a fierce battle cry before he raised his hand in the air. He flicked the air, and a rush of wind shot out at the woman, making her fall back through the glass doors. Glass from nearby windows also shattered as you got to your feet. You glanced at the cut on your leg and shrugged it off. It wasn't too deep, and you could still walk so it was fine. You limped back into the hotel where the desk worker was looking frightened. You apologized before looking at the old lady.

"Stay away from me!" She yelled, waving her arm. A flurry of cuts washed over your body, making you grimace before facing her again.

"Take your stand out." You demanded, bending down and grabbing the woman by her collar. Atlantis loomed behind you, an angered aura surrounding the both of you.

"L-lord Dio will kill you all!" She shouted, jabbing her hand into your side. A sharp pain made you forget how to breath as she knocked you back. "The entire Joestar bloodline will be destroyed! Starting with that putred woman!"

Your eyes widened.

"Then it'll be that brat son of hers."

You slowly began to get to your feet.

"Finally, Lord Dio will kill that idiotic Joseph Joestar, and be done with it."

"I dare you to open that disgusting mouth of yours again," You hissed, looking at her with eyes burning with anger. "I dare you to speak of Holly like that. I dare you to speak of Jotaro like that. I dare you to speak of Mr. Joestar like that. I. Dare. You."


"Say one more word and I will beat the fuck out of you so badly that no one will be able to make out your face ever again. Do you fucking understand me?" You growled. She looked at you in pure fear as you walked to her. She started take steps back. Your image flickered and you appeared behind her, grabbing her shoulders and looking down at her. "Now let's have a little chat, 'kay?"


Jotaro was beyond pissed off. First, he had to deal with a stand user that was prentending to be Kakyoin, then he comes back to find out that you went missing. Anne said that you weren't feeling the best this morning, and that's why you stayed back. Jotaro was blaming himself. If he would just up and tell you how he felt, you wouldn't keep getting hurt.

This is exactly why he didn't want you to come. He was afraid of something like this. You getting hurt. It already had pissed him off that you were attacked by a stand that made you be in pain once. Now you had gotten kidnapped. They could have been doing all kinds of things to you. That's why he had to find you. He had to save you.

Not to mention, he needed to apologize to you. For last night. For what he did. Its just that he didn't understand it himself. He didn't realize that his actions were hurting you. If he knew that, then he would stop them immediately. The last thing he wanted was for you to be hurt.

That's why everyone is out searching for you right now. Everyone had split up to cover around the city. They were going to find you. They had to.

"Im sure she's fine," Kakyoin sighed, wiping a hand over his face. They had left early this morning, and now the sun was setting.

"Do you think so?" Anne asked worriedly. Kakyoin placed a reassuring hand on her head.

"Yeah. But we should head back. Its getting dark." He said. Jotaro flicked his cigarette butt away and blew the remaining smoke from his mouth into the air.

"Yeah," He mumbled, shoving his hand in his pockets.

When they arrived back at the hotel, Polnareff, Avdol, and Mr. Joestar were already there. To their surprise, the workers in the hotel were busy sweeping up glass and replacing the doors and windows downstairs.

"Hey old man," Jotaro asked, gaining his grandfather's attention. "What the hell happened?"

"Apparently, a girl and and older woman got into a fight of some sort." He said, scratching the side of his head.

"Do you think it could have been Y/n?" Kakyoin asked.

"I highly doubt it. If Y/n was taken, she wouldn't be close to the hotel." The clerk looked at them weirdly. "Let's go upstairs to talk about this," Mr. Joestar mumbled.

When the arrived at his room, they were all shocked to see an old lady tied to a chair in the corner. She had a sock shoved into her mouth to muffle her yells.

And then, there she was.

Y/n was sitting on the dresser, h/l h/c hair tied back, with bandages around her knee on her left leg. Her e/c were sparked with annoyance and anger, and she held a cigarette between her lips. She raised the lighter up, cupping her hand around the flame as she lit the cigarette. She took a long drag before looking over at the door and blowing the smoke out of her nose. Her face has small cuts and the tank top she wore exposed the bruises on her wrists and arms. Her injured leg was dangling over the dresser and the other she used to prop her arm on. She flicked her eyes to Jotaro who was looking at her with a mix of emotions.

"Took you long enough."

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