When we pulled up to the restaurant I was in awe, it was so simple yet beautiful at the same time. It had this rustic exterior design painted green and white. House of Tricks. I've lived here in Arizona most of my life and I never came across the restaurant even though I have driven through Tempe many times. "It's beautiful Connery,"

"I'm so glad that you love it, wait until we get inside, it gets even more breathtaking." Connery smiles as he inter-whines his hand with mine. I smile at him and pull myself closer to him as we walk inside the restaurant.

A very nice hostess greeted us with a smile when we walked inside. "Good evening, how are you doing on this beautiful night?"

"We're doing great, thanks." I smile at the hostess.

"I'm Savannah, it's a pleasure to have you with us tonight." She pauses. "Do you guys have a reservation?"

"Yes," Connery replies. "The reservation is under Matthew, Matthew Connery."

"Ah yes, you have a reservation for two." The hostess says as she taps on her small tablet. "I will lead you guys to your table and one of our waiters will be with you soon to take your order."

"Thank you," Connery and I both smile as we follow the hostess to our table. He was right, it even more breathtaking from the inside.

"These are our menus," The hostess hands us two of the four menus she was holding. "If you need anything else I can help you with, let me know. If not, I'll leave so you can take your time going over our menu. Have a nice evening."

"I think we're good for now," I tell her. "Thank you."

And with that, the hostess walked away. Connery and I started to go over the menu almost instantly. My eyes landed on the Vera Cruz Style Grilled Salmon. Additionally, it came with roasted tomato-olive salsa, toasted Orzo, and jalapeño cream sauce. I looked over the other plates in the menu but they had me at Vera Cruz Style Grilled Salmon and nothing else looked appealing to me.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Connery staring at me. "What?" I ask. "You're looking at me weird Connery."

"I'm not," He replies. "It's just that you're making that cute face you make when you're excited about food."

I let out a small laugh. What can I say? I love food. "I am excited, do you know what you're going to order?"

Connery nods. "The Smoked Korean Style Baby Back Ribs with spicy red chile paste are calling my name. It comes with their barely pickled cucumber salad so I think that's my final choice. And you?"

I smile cheekily. "The Vera Cruz Style Grilled Salmon is my final pick."

Before we could continue with our conversation a waiter approached our table. "Good evening, my name is Chelsea and I will be your waiter for the night. Are you guys ready to order?"

Connery and I both nod. "I'll be having the Vera Cruz Style Grilled Salmon for tonight."

The waiter begins to write down our order. "That's perfect, what will you be drinking?"

I look over the menu quickly. "The Margarita de la Casa and a glass of water please."

"No problem," She smiles. "Sir and you?"

"I'll be having the Smoked Korean Style Baby Back Ribs." Connery pauses. "As for drinks, I'll have the Bring Us a Shruberry."

"Perfect," The waiter smiles as she continues to write down the order. "I'll repeat the order for you guys. I have a Vera Cruz Style, Grilled Salmon, with a Margarita de la Casa and a glass of water for the young lady. For the gentleman, I have the Smoked Korean Style Baby Back Ribs with the Bring Us a Shruberry for drinks. Correct?"

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