44| little black dress

Start from the beginning

Ev smiles. "We're on our way, the gold is coming back home with us."

"Hey Connery, I'm sorry to interrupt." Coach Jennings interrupts. "The reporters of ESPN are looking for you. They want to steal you for a quick interview."

"Go ahead," Ev smiles. "I'll meet you in the parking lot, I have to go change anyways. Aunt Claire is waiting for me to call her, she's with my grandparents at the house. They had a little viewing party since they couldn't make it down here today."

"Perfect, after I'm done with the interview I'll take a quick shower and I will meet you at the parking lot with the rest of the team." I peck Ev's lips. "Tell them I said hi if I don't make it back before you hang up."

Ev nods."I'll let them know."

I smiled and glanced at Ev one more time before I walked away with Coach Jennings towards the media station where the reporters were standing. "Connery, another great win tonight." Kenny the cameraman congratulates.

"Thank you man," I grin as I shake Kenny's hand. "I appreciate it."

"Josiah is in the studio waiting to talk to you." Kenny pauses. "You can go ahead and put on the headphones. Once you have them on, you should be able to hear him clearly."

I nod and I put on the black headphones Kenny handed me. In a few seconds, I was able to hear Josiah. "Connery, thank you for taking the time to be with us tonight. "Congratulations on that meet man, how does it feel to go back home with the first win of the road to the Championship?"

"It feels amazing, once again we were able to show off all of the hard work we've been putting in the entire season. A lot of people have been counting us out since the season started, we've been working endlessly day and night to keep on improving and continue to show why we were once called champions. Tonight we showed what we're still capable of doing as a team, three years later."

"You guys certainly did, it showed during tonight's performance." Damn, right we did. "What was going through your mind as you prepared to step on the block? Even with a clear advantage over your opponent, you could see that you were giving it all as if you were at a disadvantage."

"I'm just glad that everyone gets to see what I see every time we go in to work at the pavilion every day back at BGU. This team is special, it has always been, since day one. We work hard to reach the goal we have for each season. Tonight showed that sometimes you can have the ability and the talent, but none of that helps you reach your end goal if you don't put in the work." Josiah nods in agreement. "And I don't exactly remember. Just like every meet, I focus on the goal as soon as I set foot at the pavilion. I block everything out and I mentally prepare myself for what's about to come."

"This team is special Connery, you showed it since night one when this season started." Josiah pauses. "What can we expect from BGU as you guys move on to the next round?"

"You can expect more from what you saw tonight, that's for sure," I reply confidently. "But I can assure you that our job is not done Josiah, our goal is to bring back home the gold. Today was just a small step in that direction."

"Will there be any celebrations taking place once you guys go back to your hotel Connery?" Josiah asks and I shake my head.

"You won't find us celebrating tonight Josiah. We're going back to our hotel to rest and then it's back to work on Monday." I reply and Josiah nods. "As I said previously, the job's not finished. You can ask me again once the trophy is on its way to sit on the shelves of the BGU pavilion."

"We will be looking forward to watching you guys as you progress through each round." Josiah smiles. "BGU is on their path to take back what was once theirs. As they move on to the next round, will they be able to finish the job? This was Josiah Lyle with Matthew Connery for ESPN."

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