Chapter Sixteen

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I was leaving the hospital tomorrow. I was happy I got to go home and enjoy life with Dylan again. I was planning on becoming friends with Zach and his stupid idiot guy friends, because even though they’re tools and jerk, they actually have a heart behind their stupid ass egos.

I wasn’t going to let Zach get in between Dylan and I though, because I was happy with Dylan. Dylan made me happy, and I didn’t want to throw away the love Dylan and I grew in having with each other.

I think that I’m actually going to be okay.


My parents came and got me the next morning with Jay and Dylan. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of them being here.

Dylan and I ran to each other. I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist and he caught me, holding my butt to keep me in balance. I hadn’t realized how much I was craving his lips.

I licked my lips and leaned into Dylan. We kissed, just like in the movies. When we let go, I realized that my father was watching, but my father was even smiling. My father approved of the bad boy Dylan Rock.

I walked up to hug Jay next. He had tears filling his eyes, and so did I. Dylan joined the crying club and hugged Jay and I both, for a group hug. We all laughed looking at each other crying. “I thought I lost you.” Both Jay and Dylan said in unison. I smiled and hugged them both, “You still have me.” I said.


The ride home was heartwarming. My parents sat in the front and I sat in the back in between Dylan and Jay. Dylan was holding my hand while it was wrapped around my neck, and my head was on his chest. If I do say so myself, we were pretty darn cute.

My mother took out her iPhone and took a picture of us while we weren’t expecting. I took a look at the picture and saw that Dylan and I were both looking at each other, our faces inches apart, him looking down at me, me looking up at him. It was the cutest picture I have ever seen. I sent the picture to myself and posted it on instagram. Dylan did the same.

My caption was, “Finally got to be with this one after not seeing him in two days.” Dylan’s caption was, “I thought I lost the most beautiful girl in the world. Thank the lord that I still have her with me.” Jay commented on both of our pictures, “ew gross.” I laughed and hit Jay on the shoulder.

I made the picture my background of my phone and also making it my profile picture. Dylan did the same.

Once we got home Dylan stopped me outside and handed me a gift. I looked at him, “So while I was unconscious and in need of my boyfriend you were out buying this?” I asked, jokingly.
Dylan chuckled, “This was before you got unconscious, love.” He said.
I laughed and opened it up. It was a necklace that had a heart charm. I felt the heart and looked at the back to see the words: “Dylar forever,” engraved into it. A tear fell from my eye.
I kissed Dylan so hard, “It’s beautiful, thank you.” I said.
Dylan grabbed the necklace and moved my hair. He unclasped it and put the necklace on. The cold chain made me shiver, but the feeling of having something that Dylan got me made me really, really happy. I turned around and kissed him again.
Dylan smiled, “May I ask you a question?” He asked.
Me being the smartass I am came back with, “You just did.” I said.
Dylan chuckled, “Will you officially be my girlfriend?” He asked. I was not expecting that.
I laughed, “Of course.” I rose to my tippy-toes and kissed him again.

The next chapter is the last one guys, but I will have another story!
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