Chapter One

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I got up as my alarm rang. It was the first day of school, and I promised myself it would be a new year. I also promised one of my best friends, Brianna, that I'd try to get over the asshole of a crush that I've liked for the past eight years.

Yes, eight years, and going on. His name is Zachary Sky. He has the most dreamiest green eyes, and perfect blonde hair. He's gorgeous, but he's never really noticed me. Yea, we're friends, and yea we've talked, but he's never thought of me anything more than just friends.

I sighed as I brushed out my bleach blonde hair. My hair is naturally straight so I don't have to do much with it. I looked into the mirror and saw my reflection stare back at me. I never really cared about my appearance, until seventh grade. I wanted to get Zach to like me so bad. I used to wear my hair in pony tails all the time, and I used to only wear sporty soccer clothes. But, now i wear trendy outfits, leave my hair down, and put on makeup. I feel more confident about my appearance.

The only makeup i wear is eyeliner and mascara. My mom thinks I don't need the makeup, and so does my brother, Jay. Jay is a year older than me and all he bickers about is how gorgeous I am, and that i don't need all the makeup i apply every morning. Jay is handsome. He has dirty blonde hair and green eyes, and is an all-star football player working on a scholarship to Stratford. He has girls drooling all over him.

I walked out of my room and changed into my outfit. I chose my favorite shirt and my favorite jean shorts. I put on my converse and walked down the stairs to have breakfast.

My father greeted me at the bottom of the steps, "Good morning Sky! Oh boy do you look beautiful," I blushed at my father and smiled, "Thanks Daddy."

I took a seat beside Jay, "Morning little sis." He said. I kissed him on the cheek, "Morning bro," Jay smiled, "Trying to look pretty for Zachhh?" He teased. My whole family knows about me liking Zach. I'm pretty sure the whole world knew about it. I playfully punched Jay on the shoulder, "You know it." Jay laughed, "You know you're so much better than him, right?" I stared down at Jay, "More like he's better than me." Jay sighed, "Seriously? You've been there for this kid for pratically your whole life, trying to get him to notice you and all he gives you is a hello. He doesn't deserve you." I knew Jay was right, but i never want to admit myself being too good for anyone. It just isn't right.

"Jay, Sky, it's time to go!" My father yelled. I got my backpack and trailed behind Jay. I sighed as i exited the door. I hope this year is going to be different.

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