Chapter Nine

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Last year Zach kissed me in the janitor’s closest and then the next thing you knew he was having sex with Lianna Spottsburgh.

Not many people know about that kiss, and I didn’t plan on having more people know about it. But I told Dylan because I trust him. He called Zach a fag, and that Zach should go die in hell.

It was Saturday and Dylan was sleeping over my house again with Todd, Dameon and Tyler. I of course was going to be tagging along with them.

Jay opened up my bedroom door with Dylan, Todd, Dameon and Tyler entering. I only had a sports bra on so I screeched, “What are you guys doing!? I’m changing!” I yelled.
They all laughed, Jay smiled, “I thought you were done.” He said, innocently.
I gave him the evil eye, “You’re lucky that I at least have a sports bra on.”
Dylan chuckled, “How is that luck? We wanted to see you naked.” He said, making the boys laugh except Jay.
Dylan looked at Jay, “What?” Dylan asked.
I turned to them, “What’s the plan for today?” I asked.
Dylan smirked as he looked at my bra. I rolled my eyes and put on my shirt.
I repeated the question, “What’s the plan for today?” I asked, again.
Dylan smirked, “Beat your ass in a game of soccer.” He said.
I chuckled, “You? Beat me? Not going to happen.” I said.
Tyler chuckled, “Dylan, you’ve never seen this girl play. She’s amazing.”

He said, making me blush. It was true though, I already have colleges wanting me on their team and next year I was planning on going to Florida to play for the US Women’s national team. They invited me down, and I was going to practice with the team over the summer. I already made up the decision to play with them, but the good thing was that they let you finish out your schooling. I would be learning every fall, winter, and spring, but playing the sport half of the summer. It was perfect.

Jay smiled, “She’s on the under twenty US Women’s National Soccer Team.” He said.
Dylan’s face faltered, “Are you serious?” He asked in amazement.
I nodded and took out my jersey, “Yea, I start practicing over the summer.” I said.
Jay smiled again, “Don’t worry Dyl she’s not moving to Florida.” He said, making Dylan blush.

I took off my shirt that I wanted to wear and decided to put on my jersey, I heard Tyler whisper to Dylan, “I never wanted to admit it sense she is one of my best friend’s but damn she’s hot.” I laughed and turned around.
“You might want to whisper a little softer.” I said, making Tyler blush.

Everyone left the room besides Dylan and I. I turned to him. Dylan was looking at the pictures I hung up on my wall. Then his eyes drifted to the piece of paper I doodled all over during Math saying how I was scared to gain weight. I tried getting to the paper before Dylan could read it, but from the look on his face, he saw.

He took the paper off the desk, “’I’m scared to gain weight?’” He read.
I tried grabbing it back but Dylan didn’t budge, “It’s nothing.” I said.
Dylan looked up furiously, “Nothing? Skylar that’s huge. I knew there was something wrong.” He said, cursing under his breath.
I looked at him, “Since when did you care?” I asked.
Dylan’s eyes were glassy when they locked with mine, “I’ve always cared about you.” He said.
I sat down on my bed, “In the eighth grade, I started to think that I was gaining too much weight.” I started, “People used to spread rumors that I was getting fatter by the second, making fun of me.”
Dylan stopped me, “If you don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to.” He said.
I shook my head, “I want to tell you.” I said.
 I continued, “Zach was one of the people that said that so I started getting depressed with my weight.” “That little skunkbag.” Dylan murmured.
“So I started hitting the gym. I would run until I fainted-literally. I didn’t eat; I had fruit here and there but barely anything. Jay started getting worried about me. I told him everything, I could never keep anything from him. This kept going until ninth grade, I still wasn’t satisfied with my weight. I had a panic attack one night and when I was at the doctors they told me I was two pounds away from me being anorexic. When I looked at myself in the mirror, all I saw was a fat, distasteful, ugly person. The panic attacks and the anxiety didn’t make it better. I started trying to gain weight over the summer. I gained five pounds and brought my weight of an eighty five to a ninety. I was proud, but my doctors said that if I wanted to be a healthy skinny, I would have to gain fifteen more pounds. I only gained ten; I told them I couldn’t gain five more. I just couldn’t, I didn’t want to. It would only make me want to lose more weight. The worst thing was school and how everyone was judging me about my anxiety and anorexia. Margo and Lianna were the worse. Zach even made fun of me. I hated myself. I’m happier with how I look now, but I still am scared to gain weight.” I said.
Dylan grabbed my hand, “Three things.” He said.
“One: I can’t believe you just opened up to me so easily.” I laughed, and so did he.
“Two: Boys like curves. And I’m dumping Margo after this.” He said. I smiled.
“Three: You don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful and Sky, you are beautiful.” He said.
I blushed as tears fell from my eyes, “Thank you.” I said.

We got up from my bed. The boys were outside already with the soccer ball. I ran outside while Jay had it. Jay made a scissor move, and faked going right. I read it perfectly, took it from him, and did a rainbow over his head. He looked up as the ball was in the air, and then looked at me staring at him. As the ball fell, I caught it while looking at Jay.

Dylan stood the stunned, “Holy shit she’s good.” He said.
I smirked, “Come on pretty boy I have more tricks.” I said.

We all walked to the park.

So you now know the truth of Skylar. What do you guys think?
Do you guys like Dylan’s character? I hope so because I love it.

Dylar or Zylar?


HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora