Chapter Five

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"Move on from who?" Dylan asked, pretending to be clueless.
Ally shook her head, "Zach obviously." She said.
Dylan locked eyes with me, "I think that Zach will never like you." He said. My heart sank. How could he say that? Jay got up from his seat as a tear fell from my eye, "Seriously? Dylan what the hell?!"

I got up from my seat, "Thanks." I said as I ran out of the cafeteria.

{Dylan's POV}

Skylar ran out of the cafeteria in tears, yea I felt bad, but it had to be said. I mean, how could Zach ever like Skylar? I don't want Zach to like her.

"Why would you say that?" Jay asked.
I shrugged, "Because I only speak the truth."
Ally smacked my arm, "We all know that that's true, Dylan, but you shouldn't of ever said that to her." She said.
Todd shook his head, "I agree with Ally, but the truth had to be said, you know?" He asked.
I shook my head, "The truth should've been said eight years ago." I said as I left the cafeteria.

{Skylar's POV}

I ran into the janitor's closet. As I opened the door, I saw Zach and Lianna making out. Could this day get anymore worse? Zach turned around, "Skylar? Are you okay?" He asked. I wiped my tears and opened the door and ran to the girl's bathroom.

Dylan was right. But he didn't have to say it in such an asshole way. I couldn't control the tears that were falling down. The bell rang, and I went to nurse's to ask her if I could call my mom to bring me home. I was one tear away from having anxiety attack- and I was doing well for so long, and I didn't want to risk anything now.

My mom came and asked me why I was having an anxiety attack and I told her it was the stress of being in school again. I wasn't entirely lying- school has caused me a lot of stress this past two days-already. But my anxiety attack was from me feeling unwanted, and angry.

I texted Jay once I got home:
Me: Jay, I'm okay I just had an anxiety attack. I'm home right now.
Jay: Sky! Omg Ally went looking for you and said she couldn't find you it scared me! Anxiety attack? I hope you're not being serious.
Me: I was crying and I was really close to having one. But don't blame this on Dylan- he is right.
Jay: Feel better Sky I'll be home at three.

I spent the rest of the day playing soccer outside. Soccer was my get away from the stress. Soccer actually saved me. I remember one day is was so stressed out with school. I was one bad thing away from me tearing apart. I had soccer practice that day, and I guess you could say I forgot about everything. And when I play, it's like every problem I have drifts away.

After playing soccer I went inside. I checked my phone to see twenty missed calls from Dylan, and two missed calls from Zach. Did Zach know about what happened?

I heard footsteps enter the house. It sounded like multiple people. I walked down the steps and saw Jay and Dylan at the bottom of the steps. Dylan scratched his neck, "Sky, can we talk?"
I shook my head, "No thanks." I said.
Dylan walked up to me and pressed his hands to my cheeks, "Skylar, I didn't mean to hurt you by the words I said, but it had to be-."
I cut him off, "It had to be said. I know." I said.
Dylan wiped the tear that fell from my eye, "Are you going to be okay? I just kind of learned today that you get anxiety attacks." He said.
I nodded, "But please don't treat me any differently. Don't be cautious on what you say. It bothers me so much." I said.
Dylan smirked, "So you want me to be a dick like I am to everyone?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes, "Guess so." I said, "If that's who you are." I added.
Dylan smiled, "You don't even know me." He said.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed chapter five. Please comment and vote, it would mean a lot.

Why do you think Zach called Skylar?
Who do you guys ship? Zach and Sky or Dylan and Sky?

Love you guys <3

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