Chapter Seventeen

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High school was tough getting back into especially Margo wasn't the most happy about me taking Dylan. But to be honest I didn't care what she thought or did. It was just a waste of time because Dylan and I were in love.

Senior year for me was the toughest because Dylan was off to college. He and I face timed every night and I got to see him every weekend.

I talked to Zach and I told him about that I heard everything. Zach and I are best friends now. Zach found a girl he really likes, and she's really pretty too.

Jay found a girl that he really liked and they're getting married soon.

I became really close with Brett, Brian, Nick, Lucas, and Marcus. They were actually genuinely sweet, even though they screwed every girl they saw in sight.

I started playing with my soccer team every summer. College was near, and I didn't even have to go. Dylan was going to college only twenty minutes away from my practice stadium so it wasn't even that big of a deal. Dylan was going to pursue his dream of becoming an engineer. Who knew?

I started to gain weight, and my panic attacks have gone away thanks to Dylan being there for me. Dylan had helped me stop every single attack that was there. I was really lucky to have him.

Dylan and I had a date tonight since we are starting college tomorrow, it's been five years into our relationship, and I couldn't be any happier.

Dylan brought me to this amazingly fancy dinner place out in the Florida Keys. I smiled at Dylan he led me down the narrow hallway leading to our dinner table. Just as we got to the dinner table, the lights flickered out. I grabbed Dylan to make sure he was okay to find when the lights turned back on, him kneeling down on one knee with an engagement ring in the other. I was drawn to tears instantly. Dylan smiled, "Skylar Auburn Kris, will you marry me?" He asked. Tears filled my eyes, "Yes." I said. Dylan placed the ring on to my finger. I jumped up and kissed him. The whole restaurant was clapping for us.

I never would have thought that I'd ever fall for someone like Dylan.

But I never would have thought of Dylan to be the person he showed me.

And the thing that I love about him is how open he is towards me.

What I love the most though, is that he stuck around when I told him about my anxiety and anorexia.
He taught me how to be brave, and tell my mind the truth. I look in the mirror and only see a pretty face staring back at me. Dylan taught me to take in what you see, and accept it.

And after meeting Dylan, I finally learned to accept it.

Accept that I'm beautiful.

And so are you.

I hope you guys liked it! My next story will be about this girl named Hannah Greyson and the school bad boy, Brady Walker

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