Chapter Fifteen

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{Dylan's POV}

I ran into the hospital searching frantically for Sky. I saw Jay and Sky's parent's in the emergency waiting room along with Jay. Jay saw me and ran up to me. We hugged each other, "Is she going to be okay?" I asked.
Jay nodded, "She'll be okay, but from what I heard Skylar had a really bad anxiety attack. On a scale of one to ten, it was like a twenty. She could've died." He said, but she didn't she'll be okay.
I let out a breath, "Why was this one worse than the others?" I asked.
Jay shrugged, "Usually her panic attacks start with her stop crying, and then her falling to the ground, heavily breathing. I saw her fall down, she was crying while breathing heavily. It was too much." He said.
I felt a tear fall from my face, "We almost lost her." I said.
Jay also had a tear fall from his face, "Thank the lord that we didn't and won't." He said.

The doctor's haven't updated us about Skylar in two hours and everyone in the waiting room was beginning to get anxious, especially me.

All of Skylar's friends are here, Dameon, Owen, Tyler, Kristi, Ally, Jayne, Todd, Colton, Hayley, and even the unexpected Zach with his buds Brett, Brian, Marcus, and Lucas. I hate him so darn much.

The stupid ass doctor finally came back another hour later.
He spoke to the whole group, "Skylar had a pretty severe panic attack. It was caused by something very disturbing in Skylar's point of view, causing her to get angry and think of the worst. Her body gave way, easily. Skylar is awake now, but she has a very severe headache, and she is only wishing to see one person." He said. He smiled, "Dylan?" He asked. Everyone's eyes landed on me. I got up and walked with the doctor to see her.

Skylar laid down on her bed, her eyes closed, and her shaking. I walked into her room quietly and grabbed her hand that was beside her. I closed my eyes and kissed it, "Sky." I said.
Her eyes fluttered open and her heart monitor started beating frantically I smiled.
She blushed at the sound of her heart monitor, "Dylan." She said as she looked at me.
I shifted my chair closer to her, "How you feeling?" I asked.
She smiled, "Better, but now they're giving me pills, and I hate pills they're grody." She said.
There she goes with that word grody again. I laughed, "Grody. You said that to me when you were drunk." I said.
She laughed, "I came up with it when I was younger and didn't feel like saying gross and dirty." She said.
I chuckled, "The doctor told me that you have a severe headache." I said.
She nodded slowly, "It hurts to talk but I don't mind the pain as long as I'm with you." She said.
I blushed, "Oh stop it." I said making a hand gesture.
She giggled, "I'm tired, Dyl." She said.
I got up and kissed her on her forehead, "Go to sleep, love." I said.

She drifted off to sleep.

{Skylar's POV}

I woke up completely confused to where I was at first and then saw the white walls, and the aroma of it hit me. I'm in the hospital.

I know Dylan saw me before I passed out, I remembered that, but why was I here anyways?

And then it hit me. I had a panic attack about Zach. Great.

I looked out the window and saw the group of people here for me. I saw Dameon, Todd, and then my eyes drifted over to someone I never would've thought would come. Zach.

My heart monitor sped up slightly, but not nearly as much as it did with Dylan, which I was grateful for. Zach looked over to my room and frowned. He walked over to the door, I pretended to be asleep.

He came in and sat beside my bed, "Oh, Skylar, what have I done?" He asked.
I still stood there 'sleeping.'
Zach grabbed my hand, "You know everyone came here today, I bet you didn't expect me. Well I got news for you. I like you; I've liked you since seventh grade and never thought it was true until now. I realized how much I loved that kiss, and how much I craved more. But I waited too long, you're in love with Dylan now, and I can tell. The way you both look at each other. I wish that I told you sooner, I didn't even know that you liked me until I made out with Lianna right after. I felt so bad, and I knew that you were going to see that video, it was impossible." He said. Zach moved closer, "I heard your heart monitor when Dylan came in. Your heart was beating like crazy, I bet that's what it used to be with me." It was, until you broke my heart. "I know I did stupid things, and I didn't mean to hurt you so bad, I'm not asking for you to give me a chance at being your boyfriend, because from the looks of it, you're not leaving Dylan." I sure as hell am not leaving Dylan. "But I still want to have a chance to be your friend. If that's all we could ever be." He said as he walked out of the room.

"If that's all we could ever be." So heartbreaking

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