Chapter Eight

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I woke up the next day with a pounding headache. And then it hit me on what happened last night. I told Dylan I loved him and I remember the raping. I was scared to freaking death.

I jumped up from my bed. I saw Jay in the bathroom brushing his teeth and down stairs I saw Dylan asleep on the couch I walked down stairs and woke him up, "Dylan." I said.
Dylan moaned and put his hand on my thigh, "Skylar mmm." He said. What the hell?
I smacked him, "Dylan!" I yelled.
Dylan woke up and jumped, "What the hell was that for?" He said clearly not noticing where his hand was.
I pointed down to my hand, he moved it, and murmured a sorry. I rolled my eyes, "I remember last night Dylan." I said.
Dylan shot straight up, "No." I said.
I nodded.
Dylan went ballistic, "I didn't mean to kiss you I-." Now, this was news to me.
I looked at him in the eyes, "You, you kissed me?" I asked.
Dylan nodded, "You just said you remembered last night." He said, confused.
I looked down, "I guess I don't remember all of it." I said softly.
Dylan put his fingers on my chin, "What do you remember?" He asked.
A tear rolled down my cheek, "The rape, and me telling you I love you." I said.
Dylan wiped the tear, "Don't worry, love. Jake isn't going to hurt you." He said.
I frowned, "He was so close to taking away my virginity." I said. "He practically did, I'm a whore." I said.
Dylan shook his head, "No, no, no. Don't think that way, Sky. It was his entire fault." I said.
I frowned, "But thanks for saving me." I said.
Dylan smiled, "Don't mention it." He said.
I looked at him again, "About that kiss... Why did we kiss?" I asked.
Dylan laughed, "You were still drunk and I brought you home. You started taking off your dress in front of me and I turned around. Trust me, I didn't see anything." He threw his hands up innocently.
"Then when you were done, I told you I should go but then something happened out of nowhere. I shoved you into the wall and kissed you. I-I didn't know what got over me, and I'm sorry. The kiss meant nothing." He said. It didn't mean anything?
I nodded, "The kiss meant nothing." I repeated, frowning. I got up and heard Dylan murmur, "It did mean something." I blushed and grabbed an apple from the fridge.

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