Chapter Eleven

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When we got home, I took a quick shower. I got changed quickly and walked into Jay’s room to see the boys playing FIFA 15.

Dylan saw me and padded the empty part of the bed, “Hey.” He said.
I smiled, “Hi.” I said.
Jay looked at us, “You know Dylan is sleeping in your room tonight?” Jay said.
I looked at him, confused, “Why?”  I asked.
Jay laughed, “Have you seen the size of my room?” He said, he had a point.

Tyler and Todd were sleeping on the floor in Jay’s room, Dameon is supposed to sleep on the couch, and Dylan’s going to be sleeping on the floor in my room.

They all decided to stop playing video games and talk.
Dameon smiled, “We should play truth or dare.” He suggested.

We all agreed.

Todd spun the bottle first it landed on Jay, “Truth or dare?” He asked Jay.
Jay leaned back, “Hmm I guess truth.” He said.
Todd smirked, “How many girls have you laid?” He asked, I rolled my eyes.
Jay laughed, “I don’t play that way, but one, Lisa.” He said. Lisa was my brothers ex-girlfriend who he loved until she died from a car crash.
Todd slapped his head, “Shit I forgot, sorry.” He said.
Jay shook his head, “It’s K.” Jay said as he spun the bottle, it landed on Tyler.
Jay looked at Tyler, “Truth or dare?” He asked.
Tyler didn’t hesitate, “Truth.” He said.
Jay smiled, “Hmm okay is it true you liked my sister last year?” He asked.
Tyler’s face went red, “Key word: liked.” Tyler said as he looked at me.
I threw my hands up, “Got it.” I said. I had no idea.
Tyler spun the bottle and it landed on me. No regrets tonight.
Tyler smiled, “Truth or dare?” He asked.
I smiled, “Dare.” I said.
Dylan chuckled, “Finally someone getting risky.” He said.
Tyler looked at you and then at Dylan and then he deviously smiled. I knew where this was going.
Tyler smirked, “I dare you to kiss Dylan, on the lips, and for a minute.” He said.
Jay looked like he didn’t approve, “No.” He said,
Tyler laughed, “Would it be better if they did it in the bathroom?” He asked.
Jay gave him the death stare, “No.” He repeated.

But I don’t take no for an answer. I stood up and walked over to Dylan. Dylan got up too. I wrapped my hands around his neck, and his went onto my waist. I want to remember this kiss, unlike the other one.

I stared into Dylan’s blue eyes, while he stared into my green ones. I leaned in slowly but Dylan grabbed my chin to make me kiss him. My heart beat was pumping furiously. I felt Dylan’s was too.

Our lips collided suddenly making my heart flutter. I heard Tyler start the clock on his phone for a minute.

All the thoughts that were running through my head. My heart pounding. Dylan’s hands were on the bottom of my shirt, tugging on it take it off. I did the same for him. Except he actually took his shirt off, but I kept mine on. “Ten.” Tyler said. Ten more seconds until no more kisses like this. I wanted to cherish this forever. I kissed him harder this time, adding tongue. He added his tongue too. “Five.” Tyler said. Dylan kissed me harder once he heard Tyler, and I kissed him back even harder. “Time.” Jay said, ripping us off each other. I stared into Dylan’s eyes, while he stared into mine. I blushed and so did he.

Awww Dylar!

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