Chapter Two

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The ride to school was quiet. What were we supposed to say anyways? Yay school is back? Hell no.

When we finally arrived at school I kissed my father goodbye and walked with Jay to our lockers. Jay didn't mind that i was always with him. He told me that he doesn't think I'm embarrassing at all to be around. He also promised that he'd never leave my side. That was when I was seven and when he was eight. He never broke his promise.

I hung out mainly with Jay's best friends, Dameon, Owen, Tyler, Colton, Kristi, Ally, Jayne, and Todd. We weren't the most popular in the school, but we definetley were up there. Everyone knew who we were, especially me. I don't know why, but people seem to talk about me all the time. My best friends in my grade would be Hayley and Josh.

The most popular group was Zach, Brian, Amy, Lianna, Margo, Brett, Lucas, Marcus, and Nick. Lianna, Margo, and Amy were nasty, obnoxcious, and whores. I hated them. Brett was the biggest asshole in the school followed by Brian. Brian was the boy almost all the girls drooled over. Lucas, Marcus, and Zach were also the heart throbs.

I walked into the cafeteria with Jay and met up with his friends. Dameon smiled at me, "Hey Sky!" I smiled and sat beside him. I soon realized that there was a new face within the table. I felt him staring at me. I looked up and smiled at him. The boy had blue eyes, dark brown hair, and a beautiful face. He smiled back, "I'm Dylan." "Skylar." Tyler smiled, "Oooh I ship it!" I laughed and blushed. "Too bad she's in love with that asshole." We all turned to see where Jay's eyes were. Zach and Lianna were talking. Everything was like in slow motion. Just looking at Zach made my heart flutter. I turned back around and hid my face because I was blushing. Dylan's face saddened.

"What do you even see in him? He's such an ass." Todd said.
"Well, I mean, he's kind of hot." Ally said making me giggle.
"I'm more hot." Colton exclaimed.
"Suuuure." Kristi said. She and Colton were dating.
"Excuse me, I'm your boyfriend!" Colton said causing the whole table to laugh.
"How long have you liked him?" Asked Dylan.
"Uh, eight years." I said slowly, feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed. I barely knew this boy.
"Eight years? Really?" Dylan said surprised.
I nodded slowly and got up from the table, feeling embarrassed. Dylan got up too, but he never came after me. I heard Dameon say behind me, "Nice job, bro."

I walked with my head low.

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