It was silent again. 

"Really? Like a super power? Can you talk to all animals or just snakes? Can you make them do stuff? Can you understand what their saying? All snakes or just some types? What about-" She whispered excitedly. Nikki sounded so... happy. Like an actual child. She was only 14 but she acted like she was an adult. A cold, dark, war battered, traumatized, emotionless adult. I thought i twas an accomplishment to even get a small smile from her, I had never seen this side of her. It hurt me to know how messed up her childhood was, most of it she couldn't even remember!

"Tommy you know girls and boys aren't allowed to be in a room together by themselves." Nikki's voice broke me out of my thoughts. What were her and this 'Tom' idiot in a room by themselves for?! I felt myself get more and more angry, but I forced myself to be calm. I didn't know the context of why they were in a room together, he could just be there to get her for dinner or something like that. It wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like anything was going to happen-

"I-I love you too Tommy." 

Thalia's POV

I was trying to keep my emotions in check. No form a weakness. No tears. No sadness or fear. No nothing. But how could I stay in control after what just happened.

I had Nikki in my lap, stoking her hair out of her face. I felt tears well up in my eyes. She was going to die and there was nothing I could do about it. It was like Jason all over again. No. I couldn't loose an other family member. Even if Jason came back, Nikki couldn't come back from this. 

To say that prophecy predicted her imminent death would be an understatement. And I couldn't do anything to help her.

"I-I love you Tommy." 

Uh oh.

I looked up to see the Apollo spawn gaping at her with wide hurt eyes. After a couple of seconds of  everyone waiting for his reaction his face morphed into one of anger. He stood shakily, turned away from his unconscious ex and started to walk away. 

"DON'T YOU DARE!!" I shouted. Every one stared at me in disbelief but I didn't care. Solace wouldn't turn around but he did stop.

"What do you want lieutenant?" He sneered, hate in his voice. If Nikki's limp body wan't leaning on my I could have murdered that male. 

"Don't you dare." I repeated except my voice came out as a croak. This surprised him seeing as he turned around with a look of confusion on his face. "Don't you dare leave her side you disgusting excuse of a human being.
I don't know what she sees in you but I do know she cares about you and you are not going to leave her when everyone in this room knows her death is coming soon. She deserves so much more than you, than anyone in this room but guess what? This warrior got us and we are going to make her last moments the best she has ever had before.
She has lost everyone she cared about and I know she doesn't even think that we care about her at this point but we are going to show her how much we all love her. And you are not going to abandon her in her time of need just because she said she loved someone before. 
If you walk away right now I won't hesitate to kill you and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one." Clarisse let out a grunt of agreement and Piper and Annie nodded, all of us glaring at him. My voice had cracked all the way through my small speech and my cheeks felt a little warm and sticky, though I had no idea why. 

Solace stood there looking at Nikki, his expression unreadable. She was still muttering stuff but no one was paying attention to her words at this point. We were waiting to see if we were going to have to splatter Rachel's floor red. 

Then Nikki shot up. 

Nikki's POV

I sat up immediately feeling disoriented, my eyes bouncing from every person and every object in the room. I was panicking not remembering where I was, but I started to calm down after the memories of what happened before I passed out flooded in. I was in Rachel's cave. And Tom was dead by now. Everything was fine. And I was okay.

My breathing steadied, then I looked around me to see I was on the floor with Annabeth, Thals, and Clarisse around me. I looked up in front of me and Will was staring at me, his gaze cold.

"Oh thank the gods! Baby cousin you gave me a heart attack!" Thals cried from behind me. I turned to see her smiled at me looking relieved. But then a saw something on her face, and my eyes widened.

I reached out and brushed her cheek with my thumb, she looked a little shocked but didn't move away. I removed my hand to see my thumb wet.

"Thals, why were you crying?" I whispered. Her eyed widened and she rubbed her cheeks harshly.

"Di Immortales!" She swore. I chuckled softly. And she smiled upon hearing my small laugh. "Sorry, I was just worried."

"No need. I'm fine. I can take care of myself." I informed her quickly, and now it was her turn to chuckle. I looked back up at Will to see him unmoving still glaring at me with that cold look that didn't look good on him.

"Why're you looking at me like that Solace?" I growled, still sore on the topic of guys from what I just had to relive. He didn't respond. He didn't move. 

I looked  at the girls behind me questioningly as if they might give me an explanation but before they could say anything he said something I never thought would come out his mouth.

"Who's Tommy?"

Ik Ik super super short chapter but I mean it's better than nothing! Thank everyone so much for reading my trashy story, and if you want I very much do welcome comments and votes! *wink wink* 

Hope everyone is safe! Luv y'all!

PotatoFishees 🐟🐟🐟

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