The Fight

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*Spuer loud, unhuman like screech* TWO HUNDRED!!! HOLY HERA GUYS!!! WOAH!!!! 
Thank you all so much!!! Okay I'm not gonna go into a rant about how grateful I am bc I really don't want to annoy y'all so here's the story!!

PotatoFishees! 🐟🐟🐟

Will's POV

I was sobbing. I didn't really know why though. I guess I just needed to let it all out. I needed to get the fact that I had just watched my girlfriend almost die right in front of me, out of my system. I had to get the guilt of it all being my fault, out of my system. 

It was around 8ish. Nikki had been out for 6 hours, in a coma. But it felt like centuries. I was sitting next to her bed in the infermery. Holding her cold hand in mine. Every time she exhalaed I held my breath, then sighed when she inhaled once more. 

I should have been helping, I know, but I couldn't bring myself to leave her. There was so much damage to the camp, it was almost destroyed, and around 20 of our campers were hurt. They had either stayed- like complete idiots- to try and fight the thousands of undead fully trained soldiers, or they had been trapped in their cabins with the fire. There weren't any casualities but I was still the head doctor and I was supposed to be healing these people... but I couldn't leave my Angel.

"Nikki," I whispered, after a couple more agonizing minutes. Did I mention I'm incredibly impatient and have horrible ADHD? Yeah, this was torture. "Please. Come back to me. I need you to wake up." I knew full well that a coma can last a couple hours, to a couple decades. I began to cry softly, as I gently brushed the stray locks of hair off her cheeks. 

She didn't look in pain, so I guess that was good. She looked peaceful, the permentant scowl on her face replaced with a look of calm peace. She was actually glowing. Her skin radiated health and power now. But I guess that's what happens when-

"W-Will?" A soft voice craoked next to me. I looked up and saw the sparkling obsidion eyes of one Nicole Di Angelo. I almost squealed in absolute happieness.

"Nikki!!" I screamed and jumped onto her wrapping my arms around her head and shoving her face into my chest. I felt her flinch from the human contact but at that moment I didn't care. "You're awake! Oh thank the gods!! You're awake!!" 

"Wiiilllllll... cannn't... breeeeath!" Nikki's voice gasped, though most of her voice was muffled by my chest. I reluctently let her go. She started gasping for air, while sending a few glares my way but I was too happy to be offended. "How long was I out?" She asked after catching her breath.

"A couple hours." I replied simply. She rolled her eyes.

"Seriously Drama Queen? You made it sound like I was out for a year or two." Nikki grumbled. 

"Well it felt like a century or two!" I exclaimed dramatically. I saw the corners of Nikki's mouth twitch, but then her eyes widened in horror as if she had just remembered something important.

"Wait... oh no... no, no, no, no, no! Please tell me no one died." Nikki whispered, pulling her knees to her chest and gripped the sides of her head in her fists.

"No one died. Everything's alright, everyone's safe." I soothed, and lightly grasped one of her hands in mine. She sighed a shuddering breath but she still looked scared. "H-How am I alive? I should be dead... why am I not dead?" She asked, sounding almost disappointed. I felt myself start to get angry but I calmed myself down knowing that wouldn't help.

"Well, I guess that's a perk of being blessed by four gods." I said with a smile, her eyes widened.


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