Part 4, Chapter 28- The Yule Ball

Start from the beginning

I slap his arm and nod over at Fred, who's still looking over at Emma. Emma continues to look over at us every so often.

"Oh shit." George whispers.

"He looks like you every time you look at me." I joke.

George stifles his laugh, "Is that seriously how I look?"

There was a menu in front of each of us, and an empty plate. George picks up his menu and reads it to himself, then he says, "Steak!" and just like that a steak with a baked potato and beans appears on the plate infront of him.

Fred orders the same thing as his brother, Angelina and Walter get pork chops, and Lee and I get salmon with pasta.

"Do you think there's going to be live music or just some record that Hagrid found somewhere?" Lee asks with his mouth full of pasta.

"I may or may not have seen the Weird Sisters roaming the halls earlier today." Angelina says sipping her water.

"You're joking." George nearly shouts.

The rest of dinner went by quickly. Fred barley touched his food much to Angelina's surprise. Much to all of our surprise actually. If it's one thing I know about the Weasleys is that not once has any of them skipped a meal.

When the plates disappear Dumbledore stands up, followed by everyone else in the room. Without saying a word he flicks his hands and the tables go flying to the back of the room. He snaps his fingers and a big stage comes out from the floor and a drumkit and guitars appear on top of it.

The champions and their dates stand from the big table and step onto the dance floor that Dumbledore created. Just like Angelina said, the Weird Sisters step out onto the stage and everyone cheers and claps wildly.

"We have to stand here and watch those four dance don't we?" George whispers from behind me.

I nod a few times and lean into him. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close as the music begins. Harry, Fleur, Cedric, and Viktor, along with their dates start to move across the dance floor. All very graceful except for Harry.

"The poor kid." Angelina whispers beside us. Her and Fred are standing side by side but their not touching. Fred keeps looking between the dancing champions and Emma. Who is also not touching her date at all.

Once the song has ended, the Weird Sisters start to play a far more up beat song. Everyone around us starts dancing to the music, some better than others. George takes my hand and leads me away from our friends. We start dancing rather wildly to the music, not caring who was watching or what people thought.

Fred and Angelina come to join us after a moment, both of them seem to be in a much better mood. We all start dancing as crazy as we can muster, throwing our arms and legs in every which way.

"I don't think this is how its done." George says wiggling his arms back and forth.

I howl with laughter and I get a few strange looks from people around us. "How about this?" I shimmy towards him and George instantly puts his hands on my hips and sways to the beat with me.

"That was hot." He laughs.

"You're hot." I say back to him.

When the song ends everyone claps and cheers. The lead singer takes a sip of their drink and they start up another song.

"Ron looks awfully depressed." I say to George very out of breath.

George looks over his shoulder at his brother Ron, who's sitting beside a rather stunning girl and Harry Potter. "He fancies Hermione is all."

I look at George smiling, "He does? That's adorable."

George rolls his eyes a bit, "He's too much of a pansy to do anything about it."

"Seems like all your brothers are pansies when it comes to love."

"Just means that I'm the superior Weasley." George jokes. His smile nearly instantly fades from his face when he spots something behind me.

I turn to look and the youngest Weasley and only girl, Ginny, is dancing rather close, but also rather awkwardly with Neville Longbottom. I look back at George and his jaw clenches. "Oh let her have her fun. We were in third year once."

"Yeah and you remember what we were doing during third year?" George practically growls. His eyes follow his little sisters movements closely.

"Pecking each other on the cheek once in a while and holding hands till our palms got sweaty?"

George physically shakes himself out of the trance that he got himself into, "You're right. I'm going to go get us drinks yeah?"

"Something with current in the title please."

George smiles and pecks my cheek, "Obviously. You act like I don't even know you."

George goes off to the refreshment table that is set up just outside of the hall. I go over to Fred who is now standing alone, Angelina is dancing and laughing with Alicia, Winifred, Joycelyn, and Chelsea, the other Gryffindor girls in our year.

"So... you and Angelina?" I say. I stand beside Fred and look at Angelina dancing.

Fred laughs, "I told her, that I only really asked her to come to get Emma jealous. She was relived honestly. Told me that she never saw me as anything but a friend."

I nod and rock in my shoes a bit, "Emma's been staring at you all night you know."

Fred looks at me, "She has not."

"She looks at you when you're not looking at her. I've seen it."


"I'm serious. Like right now. She's looking over at us. She's sitting alone at a table, Elliott is talking with a few people from Beauxbaton, not giving her any attention at all."

Fred carefully looks over his shoulder and I watch Emma snap her head back around to the people on the dance floor. "What should I do?" Fred says still looking at her.

George comes back with two drinks in his hands. He passes me one and I take a sip. "You should tell her that she looks beautiful, that she's the prettiest one here. Then ask her to dance."

George takes a drink and looks between me and his brother as he does it. "What did I miss?" he says.

I shoot him a look that says 'don't say another damn word' and focus back on Fred, "She does look beautiful doesn't she?"

Fred smiles a little, "She's always beautiful."

"Tell her that." I whisper.

Fred turns red, George now has a huge smile on his face.

"What if she says no?" Fred whispers, "I can't be rejected."

I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it a little, "She won't. She wants to dance with you. Go tell her that you want to dance with her too."

Fred turns, takes the drink out of my hands, and downs it in one swig. He wipes his mouth on the sleeve of his robes and smiles triumphantly. "I'm going to go dance with Emma." He says.

"Hell yeah you are." George says looking at his brother with so much happiness in his eyes.

Fred snatches the drink out of George's hand as well and downs the entire thing. Then he turns around and walks straight over to Emma. George takes Fred's spot beside me and together we watch as the two of them talk for a moment. Then Fred gives Emma his hand... she takes it... and they go off to the dance floor together.

"How the bloody hell did you manage to get that to finally happen?" Walter says from behind us. Him and Lee come up and stand with us.

We all watch for a moment as Fred leads Emma in a very awful waltz but both of them are laughing and smiling the entire time. I step forward and turn around so I can see all my friends, "I'm very persuasive."

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