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"I highly doubt that killing an old man will make you any less scared of the dark," the Speaker said calmly, having already resigned himself to martyrdom rather than running away.

"I don't know. Maybe it will just make me feel better."

The priest raised his staff, poised to beat the old man. Crack. The whip flew so fast that Elizabeth barely saw it. It hit the staff and sent it flying out of the attacker's hand, along with his finger. A satisfied smile crossed her face as she jammed the side of her palm into the other priest's throat before he could raise a hand to either of them, effectively cutting off his airway.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to grab the stick out of your hand. How's your finger?" Trevor joked, reeling the whip back in.

"What fucking finger?!" he shrieked, cradling the rest of his hand close to his chest.

Crouching down to his level, Elizabeth tutted disapprovingly. "That's no way for a man of the cloth to talk," she grinned, waving the severed finger at him tauntingly. Her shadow loomed over him menacingly. Her voice was low and dangerous, and he felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead.

His head whipped around to his accomplice in panic, and he hissed, "Kill them."

The priest tried to rush her, but Trevor was quicker. With a deft flick of his wrist, the whip latched itself around the leg of the priest, flipping him onto his back in one smooth movement. Wheezing as he did, he tried to lash out again with his knife. In a sudden flurry of movement, the man's eye was cleanly ripped from his skull and fell with a wet thud onto the ground. An involuntary hiss slipped from Elizabeth's mouth as he howled in pain, clutching at his bleeding socket.

Trevor's words were sharp and biting, "Pick him up. Take him back to your church. Don't bother this man or his people again," as the pair crawled away in defeat. When it was safe to do so, Elizabeth offered a hand to the speaker, not even looking in Trevor's direction. "It's okay sister, I didn't need any help. I was totally capable of handling everything myself."

The elder man cleared his throat before he began to speak. "Although the violence wasn't necessary, I appreciated it," he chuckled for a moment before continuing. "I am the elder of the Codrii Speakers. Thank you very much for your kindness and, I think, your admirable restraint." He bowed out of gratitude. His deep blue clothing looked worn and faded, she had never known Speaker's clothes to look so...dishevelled. It was as if he had not taken care of himself in months.

"It is my pleasure to be of assistance, Elder," Elizabeth returned the gesture of respect by bending at the knee in a curtsey. Trevor made no sudden move, still coiling the bloodied whip around his forearm in a tight grip.

"It would be our honour to escort you back to your train. May we accompany you?" Elizabeth offered, knowing full well that the priests would return angrier than before. No doubt they were running to their fellow clergymen to incite a riot. By nightfall, there would be an angry mob with pitchforks and torches.

"No need. We have settled here in Gresit"

"I'm sorry, what?" the pair asked in unison. The Speakers were nomads and travellers, and as far as she and her brother knew, they never settled in any one place for long.

"There are no caravans accompanying us, but I would appreciate your company as we walk to our lodging." The elder brushed the dirt from his clothing and motioned in the direction of where they were staying. Elizabeth extended her cleaner-sleeved arm to lean on for support. The elder smiled graciously, held onto her, and then continued to lead them ahead.

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