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Elizabeth tried to force herself back to sleep, scrunching her eye lids closed whilst the sunlight persisted in peeling them open. She huffed angrily. The roof she was resting on was hard and uneven that her back was bent in 4 different places. When she finally arose, her spine let out a loud crack. She flinched as the sound echoed. Elizabeth wrenched her cloak upwards o remove the debris and stretched her arms out wide above her, the light dancing between her fingers. 

Sypha called to her from below, "I'm going to get a covered wagon, please don't kill each other whilst I'm gone." Elizabeth mumbled an insult under her breath as Sypha's red hair bobbed further away. She collected herself before jumping from the edge of the tiles. She hit the floor with bents knees, spreading the impact through her legs before standing to see Alucard and Trevor inside.

"Good morning," Alucard said, watching her from the shade. His black coat fanned around him loosely, showing his bare chest to her. She couldn't help but look, his pale flesh accentuating each sinew of muscle.

Trevor snapped his fingers over her face, "Hellooo?" she visibly shuddered and grunted at them.

"So, what's the plan?" she asked. Trevor was rummaging through a crate of bottles next to her. His crouched form made him look like a woodland creature foraging for food. "I highly doubt the answer to killing Dracula lies in there, brother" she mused, leaning against the doorframe.

He moved away from the crate, his back facing her, "We're going home,".

Elizabeth's face dropped. Her blue eyes wide with fear. "Home?" her voice was quiet and soft like a child's. Trevor looked at her, "You've seen the hold, the scriptures and texts. There must be something there that is the key to killing him," he was serious. His brows furrowed as he waited for her response. Elizabeth couldn't think of a response, no witty remark or snide comment. "You don't even know if the hold survived the fire,". She tucked the loose waves of brown hair behind her ears repeatedly fussing with it. Trevor stood up abruptly, his back also cracking loudly. His tall stature dwarfed his twin as he stood in front of her.

"It's all I've got," he sighed. Trevor placed his hand on her head, ruffling her hair slightly in an attempt to comfort her but instead undid her fussing, she shoved his hand away. "You're risking a lot on an if, brother". He smiled slightly. "I've got faith in our luck, it's about time we got some" he chuckled, returning to the glass casket.

"Do you have faith in our luck, Elizabeth?" the vampire asked, purring her name. She was startled by his deep voice and let out a feminine squeak.

"I have faith in my brother. He may be a drunk and a dullard but he's rarely wrong. If he believes that the answer is in the Belmont hold then I believe it too," she puffed out her chest as she spoke, trying to claim some dignity as she spoke. Trevor went to protest out of habit but then silently nodded in unison. Alucard grinned, teeth shining like a cat's eyes in the night before continuing to draw in the dust.

Elizabeth unclasped her cloak, folding it into a bundle and placing it on the floor. She realised her shirt had seen better days as had her trousers. The Belmont's left little in their attire to differentiate male from female so the twins mirrored each other with the white shirt, tan leather trousers and deep brown vambraces. It made it easier to travel as Elizabeth could be easily mistaken for a man with her short hair and heavy boots despite her desperate yearning for lace, velvet and delicate attire.

Elizabeth adjusted her vambrace to allow better movement in her arm, sneakily peeping at Alucard's drawing every so often. She then took to adjusting the straps across her chest, still peering at the artwork. She loosened and tightened them aimlessly before a familiar voice shouted, "Are we ready?".

"Finally," her brother groaned, collecting their few belongings and putting them into the back of the wagon. She went to lift her sword but Alucard reached it first, looking to her injured hand and then back to the sword before strolling past. Elizabeth quickly crept over the drawing.

She guessed the woman to be Lisa, Alucard's mother. She too had the cow's lick parting that fell over her face. Lisa's eyes looked soft and kind, like Elizabeth's mother's. She was confused as to how such a kind-looking woman could have married the Impaler. Perhaps she was insane, Elizabeth remarked to herself. Monster didn't know pure emotions like love or kindness. Monster only knew how to kill or maim, and it was her family's job to stop them. It was her job to stop them.

The second figure had been dashed through; Elizabeth assumed that to be Dracula though his features were scattered. She had no reference for him, none of the family journals had ever captured his features so she wasn't sure but the fangs that glared at her from the floor made her uncomfortable. She stepped back out of fear and strolled briskly over to the caravan, seating herself near the luggage so her legs could hang over the edge. Alucard slouched inside, watching her intently. She hated the way his stare went through her. His amber eyes boring into the back of her head. Elizabeth pulled her hood up to ignore him.

Trevor and Sypha sat up front, spurring the horses forward. The horses complained but obliged by taking on a slow trot away from the dilapidated city. The sun setting on Gresit as the departed into frozen trees, icy hills and snow-covered fields. Elizabeth could vaguely hear Sypha and Trevor bickering on which direction to go, taking the reins from each other like children fighting over a toy, or a weapon in her and her brother's case.

The wagon went over a bump causing Elizabeth to slam her hand down in response. She winced. A sharp shooting pain went through her pain, she immediately clutched her hand to her chest. The cut she'd sustained whilst fighting earlier had come open again and was painful to the touch. She dared not remove the soiled bandage for worry of what lay beneath.

"Let me see" the vampire appeared over her shoulder, Elizabeth jumped and almost fell from the wagon but Alucard's arm snatched her backwards. She landed forward into his chest. She squirmed away from him, her back against the fabric covered the wagon. Alucard sighed.

"Let me see your hand, it could be infected," he said, holding out a clawed hand to her. She twisted away from him, still clutching her injured hand. Alucard urged again, reaching further towards her this time as she cowered from him.

"It's funny how earlier you almost relieved me of my head in feeble attempt to rescue your brother et now you cower before me, where did that courage go? Are you a Belmont or not?" he snapped at her. She felt insulted as he called her a coward. Her body stiffened with rage because of her hurt pride. How dare this creature suggest she was a coward. She narrowed her eyes at him. Elizabeth slowly shuffled towards him on her knees and slammed the back of her palm into his open hand, facing her head away as if not looking meant she'd won.

The vampire let out a chuckle, carefully prying the makeshift bandage from its knot and revealing her puckered red wound. She winced as he poked at it to see if it pus would leak out of the gash. He stopped when he saw her gritting her teeth and water welling in the corners of her eyes.

"It's not infected, thankfully. You need to clean it and be gentle with it," She nodded, about to rip more of her cloak off but the vampire had already begun pouring some of Trevor's alcohol onto it. Elizabeth yelped.

"Are you alright?" Trevor's voice called back to her, Alucard's eyes locked with her as she turned to reply. She realised his eyes were not piss yellow as she had originally thought, they were a swirling mix of golden hues. "Elizabeth!?" Trevor shouted again, almost yanked on the reins as he turned.

Elizabeth swallowed hard and looked to her brother, "I'm fine, just fixing up my hand. It's a little sore". Alucard smiled a little.

Elizabeth returned her attention to her hand to find it had been re-bandaged with a clean white cloth and secured tightly without obscuring the movement in her hand. She clenched and relaxed her fist a few times to be sure it was well, besides the stinging sensation from the alcohol that lingered. "Thank you," she mumbled, retreating back to her corner of the tent.

She hid her face from her company, facing outwards into the fading light. She laid there confused and strangely grateful to the monster that sat across from her.

Belmont Twins (OC x Alucard)Where stories live. Discover now